Added: Particles that are attached on an object can now rotate independently from that object (this fixed unintended directional flame on burning torches, see Particle.PlayOnObject(...) function documentation)Added: Script function PlayerPreviewWidget::GetDummyPlayerAdded: New method on particles: ...
Delete point nearest to cursor target Hold or click to rotate the angle ⓘ Script equivalent: GetCEApi().ToggleDynamicEventVisualisation(bool);Dynamic Events SpawnSpawns a dynamic event. When "Dynamic Events Vis" is enabled and there is a "Nearby DE Point", it will spawn the DE belongin...
{Controls|RMB|}} || Delete point nearest to cursor target |- | {{Controls|MMB|}} || Hold or click to rotate the angle |} [[File:dynamiceventsvis.jpg|frameless|Dynamic Events Vis]] {{Feature|informative| Script equivalent: GetCEApi().ToggleDynamicEventVisualisation(bool); }} === Dynam...
How to test: Do not use any third party scripts or tools. Do not use infistar as an admin tool. Use this testkit: Enable -showscripterrors in the DayZ Launcher and never ever use -nologs for testing. ...
Vehicle parts on truck wrecks were spawning badly rotated Items spawn points were misaligned in various buildings CHANGED Reduced the volume of the thirst indication sounds CENTRAL ECONOMY Fixed: Vehicle parts on truck wrecks were spawning badly rotated ...
Files 1df7a4f IGNORE chinese.ini chinesesimp.ini czech.ini english.ini french.ini german.ini hungarian.ini italian.ini japanese.ini polish.ini portuguese.ini russian.ini spanish.ini Latest commit LieutenantMaster better wording Jun 8, 2023 ...
Night vision optics would spawn badly rotated Vehicles would suffer excessive damage even at low-speed collisions In some cases, the stealth kill would play a bullet ricochet sound ( Swapping eye glasses with the same visual effect would cancel the effect ...
It was possible for players to rotate with their dead bodies until respawn All colored skirts appeared blue on female characters ( Some birch trees were offering the option to collect dark bark The lab coat was not correctly reflecting damage visually The ...
Affects how certain the AI must be about its aim on target before opening fireaimingShakeAffects how steadily the AI can hold a weapon (Higher value = less weapon sway)aimingSpeedAffects how quickly the AI can rotate and stabilize its aim (Higher value = faster, less error)commandingAffects ...
These angles would intercept the target before the bat, causing the bat to "rotate" in a sense, and lose energy. Essentially, you would be striking a glancing blow. 3) Loss of integrity By driving nails through the bat, you are weakening the integrity of the wood the bat is made of....