Repairing vehicles can be tiresome, But vehicles is important for looting resources. Here is how to repair a vehicle. 1.Of course you need to find a car first. Then check the condition as for the image below, on the lower left corner status bar, the first one is your gear position, ...
Cars in DayZ can only be fixed up to a certain point. For instance, if your engine is too deteriorated, it will appear red, which is beyond repair. The same goes for all other car parts. Take the following steps to examine and repair your car if you are an Xbox user. Perform a vi...
It was not possible to repair certain masks with a sewing kit ( Water from animal troughs was not contaminated with cholera It was possible to shave a character's face while it was covered with a mask ...
By allowing plant material to be used as a way to repair or patch (just like you do with the sewing kit or duct tape).Second, the possibility of crafting the Woodland ghillie suite (greener version of the ghillie) by combining a certain number of plant material (or a sub-item craf...
An exploit allowed to repair car parts to the pristine state It was possible to repair vehicle engines while they were running Certain scopes allowed to look through the smoke from smoke grenades ( The M1025 driver was accessing the wrong lever when switc...
Aimbotsare an essential hack no matter which stage of the DayZ experience you’re at. The aimbot is like the spanner in the repair guys toolkit; sure, you can go to work without it and do an okay job, but when you need one you’re going to kick yourself for not coming equipped....
日产这款新概念车TeatrO for Dayz基于Dayz车型设计,其目标客户是将在未来几年获得驾照并购买属于自己的第一辆车的年轻人.这些年轻人喜欢将其全部的生活放在网络上,并在社交媒体上共享一切,因此,日产设计师为这款概念车设计了一个特别的内饰,不仅仪表板上装有触摸屏,就连车门装饰板和座椅上都装有触摸屏.汽车与...
Night-time acceleration period adjusted to only influence actual night-time Reduced the size of the NBC clothing when stored in the inventory NBC clothing can now also be repaired with the tire repair kit It is no longer possible to build a stone oven if it would be clipping with a large ...
SuperMarket loot pile chances reduced to be in line with regular residential chance. Parts only display in the repair action menu if they're not already 100% repaired (if it lets you try and repair it, it's not 100%!) Damage to players is now logged server-side. This should help si...
It was not possible to repair certain masks with a sewing kit ( CHANGED Pants did not take damage by falling from more than 5 meters Updated the falling animation for medium heights The red UI flash effect does not show up any more when falling from...