6.9.2 - Serverlogs for DayZ 1.072020-02-19 Improve server logs tool to accept incomplete logs from 1.07 servers 6.9.1 - Fix Distance Measurement on Livonia2020-02-17 The Distance Measurement Tool on Livonia is now measuring the correct distance again instead of double the distance ...
Tried to search in the paste but didn't found it EDIT: After doing a hell of updating my Drivers, it partially fixed. But now that DayZ updated, it is giving STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION error. Here's the logs now: DayZ_x64_2025-03-18_14-24-52.RPT11 KBDownload ...
Then take the .zip/.rar and the DxDiag file and upload them to the Feedback Tracker issue. You can do so by dragging/dropping your files into the Description text field for example. Use the "New DayZ Private Bug Report" form when sending us crash logs as they may contain personal data...
To run it, please press "Scan". After the scan is finished, click next and there will be a save button, giving you an option to save the logs to a text file, please do so and attach the file on your reply. You can refer to How to get the Intel® System Support Utility Logs ...
::Logical CPU cores to use (Equalor less than available) set serverCPU=2 ::Sets title for (DONT ) title %serverName batch ::DayZ location (DONT edit) cd"%serverLocation%" echo (%time%) %serverName% started. :Launch parameters(edit end: -config=|-port=|-profiles|-doLogs...
The type tag is used to refer to the name of the item you want to set the loadout. The cargo tag is used to set the items you want to load in the container item. You can set a chance attribute to this tag in order to specify the randomness of an item to get load in the cont...
⚠ "Loot Vis" must be enabled for this to work.Will emulate the spawning of the item which is being looked at and generate images and output logs. The image files will be visualizing the places where it currently spawned and all the places it could spawn. SpawnAnalyze is the emulated...
Fixed: Client error when removing wooden logs from fence or watchtowerFixed: Client error when disconnecting near a radio control panelFixed: Client error when removing rag from the mouthFixed: Client error when attaching combination locksFixed: Client error when committing suicide with weaponFixed: ...
The build to experimental will show the basic structure of how this will work. Chopping wood from trees now gives logs, and after a certain time, the trees will be “expended” and fall over. Tree cutting is done by holding an axe in your hands, and using the mouse-wheel action menu....
you'll need to add more fuel to it by taking some of the firewood from the tree you cut down and dragging it into the Fireplace's fuel slot. 4-6 firewood should do. If the tree didn't drop very many you can chop down another or use an axe on the big logs to craft more ...