Apart from being afraid of the zombies, you should also be afraid to fall sick and die. Diseases such as hepatitis, cholera, dehydration, and dysentery can also kill you in Chernarus. For instance, if you don’t drink or eat, you will die of dehydration and starvation. Also, if you dr...
Bodily needs Eat and drink something. 2 guides Geared Equip a firearm, a melee weapon and a backpack. 1 guide Hide ads Hide ads Achievement Distribution This is the overall win distribution of theDayZ Achievements: Completion Estimates How long to beat DayZ ...
The reasons why you’ll catch one of the diseases will be because you didn’t know how to protect yourself from them, you were too lazy to wash your hands or you decided it was a genius idea to eat some good ol’ human meat! I’ll properly teach you what to avoid to not get sic...
Other bugs that can happen is when the game sort of de-synchronizes with the servers and you'll notice that certain actions no longer work, like trying to reload a magazine, eat food, or drink water. If you notice the "progress circle" in the middle of the screen only pops up for a...
While carrying the CR-61, I’ve gone toe-to-toe with far better armed survivors and come out on top. No matter how geared someone is, they can’t stop twenty rounds of .380 ACP to the chest and make it out. What the CR-61 Skorpion excels at: ...
As if zombies trying to eat your brains were not enough, you also have to worry about freezing to death in this game. That is why you will need to look for more clothes as soon as you can. Try to find thick pieces of clothing like jackets. Not only are they useful for keeping you...
I don’t think Intel and Nvidia will leave any room for you if this is how you tr eat us. 5 Likes Reply W0lfar In response to W0lfar Adept II a month ago Friends, I think there's no point in waiting for a solution from these people. Thanks to this thread, I’ve disco...
Ok so new sounds effects have been added in the new update, like opening can of food etc... which is cool, but... - Players are taking off their shoes to make less noise in PVP situations (problem is the character doesnt makes any noise while taking them
I don’t know what about the others, but personally, as a very old Daisy player (so to speak, who played from Arma 2 and non-Steam versions) I would finally like to see more items for crafting, including cooking food, just eat a pack of rice... and you add another weapon that ...