So Ive got a new laptop that uses windows 10, then installed Steam and downloaded DayZ, however it doesnt open. It shows a battleye window and says: 09:10:43: Starting BattlEye Service... 09:10:44: Failed to initialize BattlEye Service: Driver Load Error
Failed to ..Failed to initialize BattlEye Service; Driver Load Error未能初始化battleye服务;驱动加载错误dayz更新0.53版本后 选择dayz-BE选成【图纸】了。这个求大神帮助~~~顶 求助啊
服务器不知原因关闭..今天上午打开服务器时,dayz服务器窗口自己关闭,重启仍如此求屌大的大哥们看看什么问题以下为服务器console日志14:43:11 Dedicated host created.14:43:12 [
Fixed: Banlist, whitelist and prioritylist were cleared when the accompanied file was failed to be opened by the game Fixed: The enableDebug window was not fully displayed in certain resolutions Fixed: Random loot spawned by dynamic events would persist after a server restart Changed: The game ...
BattlEye Launcher has stopped working. End Program - dayz_be.exe. This program is not responding. dayz_be.exe is not a valid Win32 application. dayz_be.exe - Application Error. The application failed to initialize properly (0xXXXXXXXX). Click OK to terminate the application. ...
Loading end, with an error message something like : Connection with server failed, unreachable server. Same issue for my friend. Did i miss something about server My batch files to start server : Quote @echo off :start ::Server name (This is just for the bat file) set serv...