A simple discord bot that updates their status' to show player counts. botdockerminecraftdiscorddiscord-botdiscord-apiarmasteam-apidayzbattlemetricscfxscum-serversnet-core-6 UpdatedJan 13, 2025 C# Mirasaki/cftools-discord-bot Sponsor Star34
Restarts scheduled every 3hrs Get Whitelisted for our Sakhal and Livonia servers: Find a book in one of five village pubs hidden on Chernarus. Find books at five village pubs to receive $35,000 in Discord money and whitelisting to our summer Sakhal/Livonia servers. The quest buildings have...
Discord Setup First, invite the bot into your discord server. We'll assume you know how this done. Secondly, create the discord voice channels that the bot will be responsible for within your discord server. Be sure that the bot has the permissions necessary for renaming those channels. Make...