Indeed, wasn't expecting battleeye to work but at least single player. Shame they wasted a good time to add more users with the free weekend. madewokherd commentedon Jun 13, 2020 madewokherd on Jun 13, 2020 Collaborator With wine-mono upgraded so WPF can at least load, the launcher fa...
Given the news about battle support for Arma 3 and Dayz in proton, I wanted to try the OG. Unfortunately even getting past not being able to run Arma 2 by copying the addons folder over to OA folder still servers kick you for battleye not responding. Proton6.3-8 Distro:Manjaro Linux K...
DayzMod版完美..原理很简单,升级BE时你需要连接oa BE服务器那里升级,大部分人卡在窗口栏那无法连接到BE服务器那边 直接手动的去BE官网将他要升级的BE下载到BE文件夹里 他会升级一次 并且直接秒升
帮帮孩子吧😭😭😭..换了新电脑后就这样了,一直卡着battle eye进不去服了兄弟们,开了个加速器就好了
This was an improvement over VAC, but Battleye is not the anti-cheat savior that many believe it to be. The software is much less likely to wrongly ban an innocent player for using hacks, but Battleye cannot catch someone who is using precautions when hacking.The bottom line is, if you...
Don't Use BattlEye Girth Brooks replied to Hazmat Harry's topic in Suggestions Yeah, Bohemia doesn't do that, and are way to cheap for a real, working anti-cheat. This has been going on for 10 years, they can't and also won't bother to fix the cheating. It's a battle they...
With the "disableContainerDamage" server setting enabled, it was not possible to repair sea chests and wooden crates (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T177819) Deploying any trap while there was a player within 150m to 1100m away would prevent certain behaviours from working on the client (ht...