Trying a new church can be stressful. At Holy Cross, we want you to find room to connect to God. You don't have to have it all together before you visit. We are a group of people still seeking, still learning, still growing. Dress is casual, but the relationships are real. You wi...
We have a burning desire for people of all ages to have a life-changing encounter with God through every aspect of the vision and mission at Elevate Church. Join us and discover the richness of God's Word, and experience the fullness of Christ's sacrific
Mt. Calvary Academy is a Christian church with a Bible education program in Daytona Beach, FL. Contact us today to learn more about life with Christ.
著名的景点Ritchey Plaza、White Chapel Church of God和Daytona Maritime Museum均可步行很短距离到达。从酒店到Magnolia Park游览很方便,Teauila's Hawaii Dinner Theater和First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)也均在附近。 所有极具特色的客房都配备有熨衣设备和空调,让您感受到更加贴心细致的入住体验。
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That being said, I had a road manager who had a young civilian mindset, who was church-going, and not in the mixes that I’m from or have known. He brought a level of spirituality to my circle. He was good natured and good spirited. He was murdered. Random. We were not on the ...
Like, ’cause I was trying my best to let those who know — people that know De’Von know De’von is in church. He’s my tour manager, but he’s in the church. I used to curse him out. Like, “Get my band together right. Get my band together, get my shit together. Where ...
Seabreeze United Church of Christ 550公尺 Bartholomew J. Donnelly House 560公尺 Tourist Church 590公尺 露德聖母天主教堂 750公尺 代托納劇院 750公尺 代托納比奇海濱 770公尺 顯示距離為地圖上點對點直線距離,實際旅程可能會有所差異。 住宿規定 兒童與加床收費標準 【提醒您】加床規定依房型而異,請查看各房...
"If they don't like it, don't look at it," Strickland said. "I don't care what other people's opinions [of me] are," he added. "Only God judges people, and that's at the end of your time."