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All of the driving membcrs are fixed to a transverse bar I 10 which is connected by mechanism not shown with a cross head 115 near the top of the machine. This cross head is given a downward and upward reciprocation at each operation of the machine by a driving mechanism not shown. ...
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产品型号 SE100ABA TECMORS 产品型号 EE23-PFTC3105D03/AB6-T12-M12 EE23-T4K10D1/GA6SBL-40SBH120DT2(remote probe, SS filter, 10mcable, 200mm, display, 4..20mA,-40..+ 120 ° C) E+E产品型号 GYcAT-1450-S/S-N-M2P-CN-BD SAN Dayton风扇,Dayton风机,Dayton通风机,Dayton暖通设备,Dayton加...
Dayton Audio RS125P-4 5" Reference Paper Woofer 4 Ohm Dayton Audio DSA135-8 5" Designer Series Aluminum Cone Woofer Add $54.95current price $54.95Dayton Audio DSA135-8 5" Designer Series Aluminum Cone Woofer Dayton Audio 4.5k-LPF-8 Low Pass Speaker Crossover 4,500 Hz 12 dB/Octave Add...
Dayton Audio Classic Series woofers are excellent for use as replacement speakers or for new loudspeaker system design and construction. The DC160-8 6-1/2" woofer has developed quite a reputation for having the best bang-for-the-buck performance and value available anywhere. You can even be ...