Around the world Names of the days of the week一周七天的名字Many European languages use the names of许多欧洲语言使用天体的名字来命名一周the heavenly bodies for the days of the week. For七天 。 例如,在英语中,星期六是由土星的名字example, in English, Saturday is named after the命名的,土星是...
Names of the days of the week Module3Unit3 Namesofthedaysoftheweek 在欧洲一些主要国家的语言中,星期日Sunday,它是由太阳Sun和日期day组合起来的;星期一Monday是由月亮Moon和日期day组合成的;星期六Saturday是由土星Saturn和日期day组合成的。英语中的五大行星名字都是古罗马神话中的神名。如水星Mercury是...
指向两天的weekend比五天中任意一天weekday的专有性要强,但是一方面二者是并行关系,另一方面weekend也是可按字面理解的单词,所以weekend和weekday都是通用名词,也就是二者的首字母都不用大写。星期一、星期二、...、星期日的都叫“星期名称”,后者的严格翻译是The names of the days of the week,有时就缩略成...
Time kept on passing. In the first century BC, the Roman Empire began to emerge. The Romans used the same seven-day system as the Greeks. And they considered the Greek gods to be the same as their own gods, simply called by different names. For example, the Romans looked at the Greek...
Weekday: The weekdays are the five working days of the week, from Monday to Friday. Midweek: This is usually Wednesday, considered the middle of the working week. Hump Day: A casual term for Wednesday, signifying that the workweek is half over. ...
💬 英语小知识 [布朗熊] How the days of the week got their names? 一周中的每一天是如何得名的? [布朗熊] Is Friday Named After A Goddess? 星期五是以女神命名的吗? [布朗熊] TGIF 又是几个意思?...
Write the names of the days of the week in order. 意思是:按顺序写下一周中每天的名字. in order是按顺序的意思 星期一到星期天: Monday , Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 当然,通常说周天是一个星期的第一天,所以也可以是: Sunday,Monday , Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday, Friday...
Write the names of the days of the week in order.意思是:按顺序写下一周中每天的名字. in order是按顺序的意思 星期一到星期天:Monday , Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 当然,通常说周天是一个星期的第一天,所以也可以是: Sunday,Monday , Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday, Friday, ...
Passage 68 The Names of the Days in a Week Why are there seven days in a week? What are the meanings of the names of the days? The Greeks named the days of a week after the sun, the moon and the five known planets. Sunday means "the Day of the Sun". Monday means "the Day ...
指向两天的weekend比五天中任一天weekday的专有性要强,但一方面二者是并行关系,另一方面weekend也是可按字面理解的单词,所以weekend和weekday都是通用名词,也就是二者的首字母都不用大写。 星期一、星期二、...、星期日的都叫“星期名称”,后者的严格翻译是The ...