Days of the week lesson plan Lesson plans for ESL kids teachersDays of the weekIn this lesson students practice saying the days of the week. Students put days in the correct order, play fun games and activities, sing a song, read a fun story and do a days writing worksheet....
These worksheets will help in the teaching of Days of the Week Vocabulary to Young Learners. They will help reinforce skills like reading, writing, grammar and vocabulary.The worksheets are in PDF format. Click on the thumbnail preview to download each worksheet. If you do not have acrobat rea...
If this is the first time to sing the song, play it a second time. Do a days of the week worksheet. To finish off this section of the lesson, give out worksheets based on the days of the week. As your students are doing the worksheets, ask questions (e.g. “What day is it?”...
In this video lesson, ESL/EFL students will learn days of the week - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. To learn, press the play button on the video player, look, listen and repeat. Pause and replay until you have mastered the lesson. To further practise ...
Favorites : days, months, seasons, festivals worksheetMonths of the year worksheets: MONTHS OF THE YEAR Level: elementary Age: 6-17 Downloads: 1938 MONTHS OF THE YEAR Level: elementary Age: 6-17 Downloads: 1662 SEASONS MONTHS WEATHER Level: elementary Age: 7-10 Downloads: 1676 Wordsear...
Days of the week lesson plan Lesson plans for ESL kids teachersDays of the weekIn this lesson students practice saying the days of the week. Students put days in the correct order, play fun games and activities, sing a song, read a fun story and do a days writing worksheet....