カードを捲るには、カードをクリックしてください 👆 today カードを捲るには、カードをクリックしてください 👆 作成者: cruzan_girl7 生徒たちは、これらのコンテンツも学習しました: Massive SCIENCE TEST REVISION QUIZLET Japanese Days of the Week ...
twenty-fourth of the mont; 二十四日;にじゅうよっか ~of the month 日、にち the day before yesterday おととい yesterday きのう;昨日 today きょう;今日 tomorrow 明日;あした the day after tomorrow 明後日;あさって two weeks ago にしゅうかんまえ last week せんしゅう this week こんし...
Japanese Vocabulary and Common Phrases Teacher151 terms Usingflashcards23 Preview 6日目 100 terms lisa_matsumoto Preview Year 8 Sem 2 (Term 4: destination) Teacher15 terms futakikyohhei Preview nouns 53 terms hadia311 Preview Term 1 Kanji Set 1 Teacher61 terms damontatc Preview Level 7 hiriga...
Japanese 5.1-5.3 flash cards 29個詞語 Eli_Goldblatt4 預覽 這個學習集的練習題 學習 1 / 7 用學習模式學習 みっか・三日 選擇正確的詞語 1 Third day of the month、3 days (kanji) 2 Fourth day of the month, 4 days (kanji) 3 What month (kanji) 4 May (kanji) 不知道嗎? 本學習集中的詞...
Japanese Body Parts (romaji) 老師15個詞語 jennyvanengelen 預覽 Months and Days of the Month in Japanese 老師42個詞語 hasley 預覽 Some people think the government should provide free housing, while others believe it is not the government’s responsibility. Discuss both views and give your opinion...
Click the card to flip it 👆 qǐchuáng to get up Click the card to flip it 👆 1 / 101 Created by MsZoeGuoTeacher Nihao 2 lesson 2 Students also studied 车 31 terms Compassion for those in need 6 terms Now sentence 14 terms ...
JP1 Q2 W1-3 Vocab Quiz 老師51個詞語 Mayumi_McDonald 預覽 Vocab 3 Japanese 44個詞語 danakalatrice4 預覽 Verbs + want to do 26個詞語 asapnoelia 預覽 Chapter 4 Grammar 18個詞語 molly_mcc8 預覽 N2 1.1 老師27個詞語 gabrielle_hodges5 預覽 Lesson 5 Kanji [Recognition] 34個詞語 Addison_Craig...