So the Japanese days of the week are not a system of 'primitive elements' after all! In fact, they run in parallel with days of the week of the Ancient Greeks and Romans — more closely in parallel, indeed, than modern English: 日曜日 月曜日 火曜日 水曜日 木曜日 金曜日 土曜日...
If you’re traveling to Japan, you may want to learn the days of the week (or youbi) in Japanese to talk about your schedule. Let’s break down the days of the week and how to use them in a sentence.
This means it's not as complicated to remember the days of the week in Japanese as you may think!Learning them is particularly helpful when communicating in a foreign language; usually, days of the week are easier to pick up than numbers in conversations. Let's say I'm making an ...
The days of the week in Japanese (Mon-Sun) are: 月曜日 (げつようび) 火曜日 (かようび) 水曜日 (すいようび) 木曜日 (もくようび) 金曜日 (きんようび) 土曜日 (どようぶ) 日曜日 (にちようび) To say, "days of the week" in Japanese is 曜日 (ようび). |You mean "Su
on basic topics likenumbers,days of the week, anddirectionsare set to music, with wacky graphics and easy-to-read subtitles in English and Japanese. Graham's YouTube channel also has other great resources, like tutorials onhow to teach Japaneseto others and short videos onfood and culture. ...
Read the days of the week Reference Filter By Type: all, hiragana, kana rule, word meaning, kanji meaning, kanji reading, Japanese writing, 0 learned+ 35 Prerequisites (click to show) ⋮ 0 learned+ 38 Items kanji reading月 is read げつ in word 月曜日 ...
If you know the days of the week in a Romance language, and the Japanese names of the planets, it is even more easy. Lunedi martedi mercoledi giovedi venerdi samedi domenica (oops, that one doesn’t work, better use English Sunday) Moon mars mercury jupiter venus saturn sun月 火星 水星 ...
Japanese Days of the Week 先生7個の用語 Bright Stage 第25章 会話表現(場面別) 先生36個の用語 ドラゴンイングリッシュ 100個の用語 ALL IN ONE 例文 419個の用語 Unit19 Protecting Earth from Collisions 21個の用語 NT6 Top Ten Countries (Deforestation) ...
學習工具 科目 建立 登入 返回 書寫 選項 Wednesday 不知道 輸入日語 うかきくげすちつどにびもよん 回答 考試 藝術與人文 語言 數學 科學 社會科學 其他
Japanese Days of the WeekJames Penman