A lesson plan about saying the days of the week. Students put days in the correct order, sing a song and read a fun story. Use in your ESL kids lessons!
A great game to implement is the 'cube of truth.' This activity will enhance speaking practice as well as a sense of community within the class. This is how it works: First of all, get several rubber cubes and write the followingpalabras interrogatoriason each side: ...
Missing school is also positively associated with a higher likelihood of dropping out of high school, which is further linked to higher rates of unemployment, lower median lifetime annual earnings, and greater likelihood of criminal activity and incarceration19,20,21. By contrast, research on the ...
GRUMKE: This is happening all across the country. Last year, almost 40% of school officials said their district had converted snow days to virtual learning days. This year, school officials have announced plans to do away with traditional snow days in New York City, Naperville, Ill., and P...
It doesn’t matter what sport, what instrument, what hobby. Think about the absolute legends of that activity, the best of the best and then think about the best coaches, trainers and teachers of the activity you thought of…. Notice there is NOT ONE PERSON ON THE SAME LIST. If you co...
It’s possible to be straightforward about climate change with our children and protect their emotional well-being. Here are some ways to help children be part of the team that relieves the impact of climate change, so they don’t have to despair over the future. ...
1. Introduction Meconium, i.e., the first stools of the neonate, starts accumulating in the fetal intestine from the 12th week of gestation and is excreted within the first 24–79 h post-partum [1,2]. Meconium represents an accumulative matrix with a low metabolic activity. It thus ...
After characterization of the scaffold, we shipped cells on the scaffold and/or cultivated them over 10 days. With the evaluation of hepatocyte functions such as urea production, albumin synthesis, and CYP activity, we showed that the metabolic activity of the cells on the scaffold remained ...
When it stops spinning the student it is pointing to has to answer a question. If the answer is correct then that student can spin the bottle. This is a good class warm up activity (e.g. How are you? What’s your favorite food? How’s the weather today?, etc. Play “Vocabulary ...