在其它日耳曼语言、例如德语以及荷兰语中,Monday和Sunday的拼写,和英语中十分接近。 在中世纪初期开始信仰基督教之前,英语文化和其它日耳曼民族一样,一直信奉Norse mythology古代北欧神话中的神灵。 今天英语中从星期二到星期五各天的名称,都是以北欧神话中...
在其它日耳曼语言、例如德语以及荷兰语中,Monday和Sunday的拼写,和英语中十分接近。 在中世纪初期开始信仰基督教之前,英语文化和其它日耳曼民族一样,一直信奉Norse mythology古代北欧神话中的神灵。 今天英语中从星期二到星期五各天的名称,都是以北欧神话中的各位gods神灵来命名的。 Tuesday 星期二 英语中的“Tuesday 星...
Tuesday comes from Old English “Tīwesdæg,” after Tiw, or Tyr, a one-handed Norse god of dueling. He is equated with Mars, the Roman war god. Wednesday is "Wōden's day." Wōden, or Odin, was the ruler of the Norse gods' realm and associated with wisdom, magic, victory and...
From around the 1st century BCE, they introduced a system where each day was named after one of their pagan gods, each of whom was associated with one of the classical planets. For example, Saturday wasdies Saturni, the day of Saturn. In most Latin-based languages, the names of the wee...
It is interesting that many days of the week are named after gods of Roman mythology. Tuesday’s Spanish translation ismartes, which comes from the worddies Martisor Mars. Mars is the Roman god of war. In English, Tuesday comes from the Norse God, Tyr, who was also a god of war. Bas...
It was named after the Norse god of Thunder, Thor Thunor, Donar (German, Donnerstag) and Thor are derived from the name of the Germanic god of thunder, Thunraz, equivalent to Jupiter in the interpretatio romana In most Romance languages, the day is named after the Roman god Jupiter, who...
(Norse) gods in place of the Roman ones for four of the days of the week. Tuesday was named for Tiw, god of war (according to some), corresponding to Mars. Wednesday was named for Woden, god of wisdom and poetry, corresponding to Mercury. Thursday was named for Thor, god of ...
well known as "Thor" in Norse mythology.Tuesdayis named after Tiw, a god of law, but also said to be a god of war, which would match up to Mars.Wednesdayis named after the king of the gods, who was Wotan in ancient German and Odin in Norse mythology. This has no obvious correspo...