在長達兩小時的《DAYS GONE》遊戲試玩後,我們媒體均可以跟Bend製作室的社群經理David Lee進行訪問,細問有關遊戲的內容及以往的發展,David跟我們指,遊戲的正式版將可以提供長達100小時的遊戲體驗,內容可是相當之豐富,遊戲擁有主線故事,亦設多個支線故事,玩家可以用自己的方式,去完成各種任務,現在就看David有甚麼訊息...
Days Gone is an open-world action-adventure game set in a harsh wilderness two years after a devastating global pandemic. Play as Deacon St. John, a drifter and bounty hunter who rides the broken road, fighting to survive while searching for a reason to live. ...
Days Gone available for PC PC features include: Ultra-wide monitor support, unlocked framerates and improved graphics with increased details, field of view and foliage draw distances. PC editions also include: New Game Plus Survival mode
Days Gone 商店页面https://www.gog.com/zh/game/days_gone PlayStation PC LLC于2023月10月25日...
Days Gone is an open-world action-adventure game set in a harsh wilderness two years after a devastating global pandemic. Play as Deacon St. John, a drifter and bounty hunter who rides the broken road, fighting to survive while searching for a reason to live. ...
往日不再(Days Gone)是一款开放世界动作冒险游戏。游戏以僵尸灾难为背景,玩家扮演一名摩托车手,深入荒野进行探索,与丧尸展开战斗,同时还需要保护自己的盟友和寻找真相。 游戏简介 游戏地图非常广阔,玩家可以探索美国太平洋西北地区的各种环境和地形。从城市到山脉、森林和草原,每个地方都有独特的景色和故事。玩家需要探索...
Days Gone, this title is a PS4 title that can be played on a PS5 with better performance and on PC with multiple support options such as ultra wide, frame rate etc. Having this on a SSD drive offers an improvement in the loading time. This is an open world game, what I refer to ...
标题: 往日不再(Days Gone)官方中文V1.07(67206) GOG版Days Gone 商店页面 https://www.gog.com/zh/game/days_gone[attach]6125869[/attach] [attach]6125870[/attach] [attach]6125871[/attach]PlayStation PC LLC于2023月10月25日更新的GOG版 安装包列表如下 setup_days_gone_1.07_(67206)-1.bin 4.00...
This game is Extremely Fun Days Gone Ratings & Reviews 54% Critics Recommend 72 Top Critic Average Fair OpenCritic Rating IGN by Lucy O'Brien 6.5 / 10 Fun in small bursts, but Days Gone's repetition, bland world, and meandering story make for an unremarkable ride. ...
【The game without me (Ga)】未知曲目 | Fayzz - Days Gone巡演 郑州站 180 -- 5:11 App 【The game without me (Ga)】Nothing to Lose | Fayzz - Days Gone巡演 郑州站 40 -- 5:47 App 【GoGo Penguin】Transient State | GoGo Penguin 2024中国巡演·北京站 204 -- 7:58 App 【JABBERLOOP ジ...