Days Gone available for PC PC features include: Ultra-wide monitor support, unlocked framerates and improved graphics with increased details, field of view and foliage draw distances. PC editions also include: New Game Plus Survival mode
Days Gone是一款以全球瘟疫大滅絕事件兩年後的嚴酷荒野為舞台的開放世界動作冒險遊戲。玩家將扮演迪肯聖約翰,作為浪跡者與賞金獵人踏破崎路、竭力求生,並同時尋覓生存意義。 •嚴酷的開放世界:運用PlayStation®4以及虛幻引擎4的演算能力,Days Gone將帶來極其真實與
PC《往日不再 Days Gone》免安装中文版下载。这是一款第三人称的动作冒险游戏,开放世界类型,末日和僵尸题材,喜欢生存冒险游戏的玩家一定不要错过哦。 《往日不再(Days Gone)》是由Bend Studio制作、索尼发行的一款末世风格的沙盒动作冒险游戏,故事设定在全球瘟疫爆发两年后,主角为流浪汉与赏金猎人迪肯圣约翰。游戏宗旨...
This game is Extremely Fun Days Gone Ratings & Reviews 54% Critics Recommend 72 Top Critic Average Fair OpenCritic Rating IGN by Lucy O'Brien 6.5 / 10 Fun in small bursts, but Days Gone's repetition, bland world, and meandering story make for an unremarkable ride. ...
Days Gone 商店页面[attach]6125869[/attach] [attach]6125870[/attach] [attach]6125871[/attach]PlayStation PC LLC于2023月10月25日更新的GOG版 安装包列表如下 setup_days_gone_1.07_(67206)-1.bin 4.00 GB setup_days_gone_1.07_(67206)-2.bin 4.00 GB ...
Days Gone 商店页面 PlayStation PC LLC于2023月10月25日...
Run the game. Anti-aliasing (AA) • Link Disable TAA with HelixMod Download Days Gone 3D Vision fix Extract the contents to the installation folder. Go to the configuration file(s) location. Open Engine.ini. Add [SystemSettings] and r.TemporalAASamples=0 at the bottom. Save the file....
Days Gone - Launch Trailer Days Gone is an open-world action-adventure game set two years after a devastating global pandemic. Play as Deacon St. John, a bounty hunter facing a brutal struggle for survival while ... 28 Minutes of Days Gone PC Gameplay ...
Days Gone available for PC PC features include: Ultra-wide monitor support, unlocked framerates and improved graphics with increased details, field of view and foliage draw distances. PC editions also include: New Game Plus Survival mode
Days Gone is an open-world action-adventure game set in a harsh wilderness two years after a devastating global pandemic. Step into the dirt flecked shoes of former outlaw biker Deacon St. John, a bounty hunter trying to find a reason to live in a land surrounded by death. Scavenge throu...