Days Gone available for PC PC features include: Ultra-wide monitor support, unlocked framerates and improved graphics with increased details, field of view and foliage draw distances. PC editions also include: New Game Plus Survival mode
Days Gone comes to PC on May 18th with Ultra-wide support and... Bend Studios and Sony Mobile Inc prepare to release their open world zombie survival game Days Gone on May 18th for PC with ultra-wide support, improved graphics and more! Originally released on PS4 back in April 2019, th...
Days Gone for PC Listing Appears on Amazon France - News Tweet byWilliam D'Angelo, posted on 15 April 2020/ 2,594 Views Sony Interactive Entertainment announced last month the open-world RPG,Horizon: Zero Dawn, will launch for Windows PC this summer. The game first launched as a PlayStatio...
往日不再 Days Gone MAC 苹果电脑游戏 中文移植版 《往日不再(Days Gone)》是由Bend Studio制作、索尼发行的一款末世风格的沙盒动作冒险游戏,mac《往日不再》故事设定在全球瘟疫爆发两年后,主角为流浪汉与赏金猎人迪肯圣约翰。游戏宗旨为表现人类绝境情况下的本能,如绝望、疯狂、背叛、友谊、爱以及为希望而战斗。
Days Gone available for PC PC features include: Ultra-wide monitor support, unlocked framerates and improved graphics with increased details, field of view and foliage draw distances. PC editions also include: New Game Plus Survival mode
"Days Gone lands on PC as the second PlayStation Studios exclusive to make the multiplatform leap. The port has no major issues, hence providing a remarkable adventure with... But Why Tho? 80 / 100 "Days Gone on the PC is a great experience that brings a stellar upgrade for graphics th...
Days Gone Ride and fight into a deadly, post pandemic America. Play as Deacon St. John, a drifter and bounty hunter who rides the broken road, fighting to survive while searching for a reason to live in this open-world action-adventure game....
Days Gone Free Download - Full PC Game - DRM-Free GOG Games Title: Days Gone Genre: Action - Adventure - Survival Works on: Windows (10, 11) Release date:
《DaysGone》丧尸游戏的黑马 《往日不再》是SIE第二款自家旗下工作室登陆PC的游戏作品,虽然价格不再像《地平线 黎明时分》那么诱人,但PC上的优化极其出色,没有地平线先前出现过的问题,现在购入就能享受最佳的体验;游戏一开始步调慢且剧情采倒叙方式,会需要一点时间才能进入状况,不过游戏主线流程扎实,剧情与...
游戏推荐——往日不再(Days Gone)往日不再一款由索尼本德工作室开发的生存恐怖游戏,于2021年5月18日在Microsoft Windows平台上发售,成为继《地平线 黎明时分》后第二款SIE全球工作室的自家旗下工作室脱离平台独占登陆PC的游戏作品。游戏背景设定在一场严重疫情爆发两年后的末世俄勒冈州。曾为法外之徒的浪迹者迪肯...