DayQuil™ and NyQuil™ SEVERE Maximum Strength Cough, Cold & Flu Relief Liquid Co-Pack offers you the maximum cold and flu relief for both day and night time.
DayQuil and NyQuil Co Packs™ Hide Filters Sort By: Name A-Z DayQuil™ & NyQuil™ Kids Free Of Cold & Cough Multi-Symptom Relief Liquid Co-Pack DayQuil™ and NyQuil™ Cough, Cold & Flu Relief Liquid Co-Pack DayQuil™ and NyQuil™ SEVERE Honey Maximum Strength Cough, Cold & ...
DayQuil & NyQuil Cough, Cold & Flu Relief Combo, 48 LiquiCaps (32 DayQuil, 16 NyQuil) - Relieves Sore Throat, Fever, and Congestion 超值好货。最新爆款商品折扣 DayQuil & NyQuil 综合症状感冒胶囊,日+夜,共48粒 14.99 北
Vicks DayQuil & NyQuil Cough, Cold & Flu Relief Combo 超值好货。最新爆款商品折扣 Vicks DayQuil & NyQuil 昼夜感冒药 24颗液体胶囊 10.49 北美省钱快报抢好货, 每日必抢都在这里
信息由用户或商家提供,Dealmoon核实后发布广告 Vicks Vicks NyQuil and DayQuil 白天+晚上强效感冒药 共48粒 $18.44 VicksAmazon 34 Amazon直达购买链接 相似同款 $34.99$49.99 Logitech G305 Lightspeed HERO 12K 游戏鼠标 查看详情去购买 Amazon $34.99$49.99 ...
Both DayQuil and NyQuil Cold and Flu Relief Liquid contain acetaminophen (a pain reliever) and dextromethorphan (a cough suppressant) so do not take them at the same time. Take them at least 4 to 6 hours apart, as recommended in the directions. Do not exceed 4 doses total of NyQuil and...
Vicks NyQuil and DayQuil 感冒药 白片16粒 黑片8粒$18.90 直达链接 > 提示:距本站收录该商品已经804天,当前价格很可能已经变动,敬请谅解。本站多为限时折扣,还请您在首页多多关注最新内容^_^ 前往购买» 内容举报 如果需要使用手机或者平板等移动设备打开本文,您可以扫描右侧二维码: ...
From the world's #1 selling OTC cough and cold brand, Vicks DayQuil and NyQuil Elderberry Flavor liquid medicines provide the cold symptom relief you trust and a delicious Elderberry flavor. With this DayQuil and NyQuil Elderberry Flavor convenience pack, you'll have the m...
图中为NyQuil、DayQuil 和 Mucinex药品。 虽然这些药物被人们熟知可以缓解头痛、充血、身体酸痛以及咽喉痛,但马丁(Martin)医生表示,“它们中含有许多不同的成分,可能会产生副作用。特别是有些人可能出现嗜睡严重情况——如果你喝了酒或服用了某些药物,如帕金森氏症的药物等等。” ...
Vicks DayQuil and NyQuil SEVERE provide fast, powerful, maximum strength relief for your worst cold and flu symptoms. With this DayQuil and NyQuil SEVERE Liquid Combo pack, you'll have the cold and flu multi-symptom relief you need on hand, day and night. Try Vicks DayQuil SEVERE for fast...