However, both models were too computationally expensive to be studied in real time. Even though only a few reference points are selected, it remains a big challenge for energy simulation tools to calculate illuminance for the Programmable Kirigami Kirigami originates from the ancient Japanese paper ...
What is more, it is now established that the melatonin secretion response to light exposure is dependent on the intensity of light and on the time of day [19,20]. The higher the light intensity, the stronger the suppression of melatonin secretion, and the shorter the required time. Melatonin...
The integration of photovoltaic shading systems and vertical farming on facades contributes to energy savings, indoor lighting, and thermal comfort in schools across three cities in China. Along with the findings from Wang et al. [52], these results demonstrate that this innovative façade system ...
There are not many simple ways to treat the irregularity of a sky luminance pattern having its origin in cloud-reflected or cloud-masked light. Although the clouds can traverse sky or part of it, time-averaging over luminance distributions is not a reasonable approach because the mean luminance...