Daylight Saving Time 是夏令时 夏时令,又称“日光节约时制”和“夏令时间”,是一种为节约能源而人为规定地方时间的制度,在这一制度实行期间所采用的统一时间称为“夏令时间”。一般在天亮早的夏季人为将时间调快一小时,可以使人早起早睡,减少照明量,以充分利用光照资源,从而节约照明用电。各个采...
As we return to Daylight Savings Time this weekend, in addition to nudging your clock ahead an hour before you go to bed on Saturday night, don't forget to change out the batteries in your home's smoke detectors too. It's always been kind of an unwritten rule that those two activities...
Central Timemeans Central Time as adjusted for daylight savings time. Up timemeans the time period when specified services with specified technical and service standards are available to user(s) night timemeans any period of not less than seven hours, as defined by national law, and which must...
As we return to Daylight Savings Time this weekend, in addition to nudging your clock ahead an hour before you go to bed on Saturday night, don't forget to change out the batteries in your home's smoke detectors too. It's always been kind of an unwritten rule that those two activities...
Daylight savings is almost upon us, which means a lot of Americans are about to become even more sleep deprived than usual. But you don't have to be one of them. Being intentional about your sleep schedule as weprepare to "spring forward"an hour can help ease the transition. ...
Daylight Saving Time occurs on the last Saturday night of October every year. This year, it will take place during the night ofOctober 26 to 27, when the clocks will be set back. What does it mean? Well, firstly, Daylight Saving Time in Spain means we all get an extra hour of sleep...
It was the start of Daylight Savings Time, the night when we all move our clocks forward an hour. I didn’t want to wake up too early and I didn’t want to sleep in too late. This, of course, only caused me to overthink things and wake up in the middle of the night. When I...
阅读下列材料,从每题所给 A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案A Daylight Savings Time lets people enjoy an extr a hour of summer sun.Some of my friends and family in Australi a will enjoy an extr a (额外的) hour of sleep next month. It's all thanks to the end of Daylight ...
World War I era in order to save energy and help the war effort. Burning electricity needlessly when natural daylight could be extended by one whole hour seemed inefficient to the Germans, so in 1916, Germany became the first country in the world to implement the Daylight Savings Time on ...
daylight saving time (redirected fromDaylight savings time) Acronyms daylight saving time daylight saving time(DST), time observed when clocks and other timepieces are set ahead so that the sun will rise and set later in the day as measured bycivil time. The amount of daylight on a givenday...