[no]:yes Recurring, Date or Disable[recurring]:date Start Month[mar]: Start Week[2]: Start Day[sun]: Start Time[02:00:00]: End Month[nov]: End Week[1]: End Day[sun]: End Time[02:00:00]: DST Zone[]: EDT Offset[60]:
From now on, instead of DST starting on the first Sunday in April, it starts on the second Sunday of March. (This year, that's March 11.) Come Fall, Daylight Savings will end on the first Sunday in November -- November 4, this year -- instead of the last Sunday of October. That...
Sydney, NSW, is located in latitudes where natural luminous conditions throughout the year are of high solar radiation. Because of the dominant contribution of the cooling load to energy usage in the Sydney climate, which receives high-intensity solar radiation, studying the effect of the ADS on...