The meaning of DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME is time usually one hour ahead of standard time —called also daylight saving, daylight savings, daylight savings time, daylight time.
必应词典为您提供daylightsavings的释义,un. 夏令时间;经济时;夏季时间;日光节约时间; 网络释义: 设定白天的时间;调整时间;节约日光;
daylight savings time phr. 夏季时间 by daylight adv.在白天 in daylight 光天化日之下, 在大白天 daylight robbery 明火执仗,明目张胆的掠夺,过高的要价 let daylight into v.使问题明朗 daylight change 日照时间变化 daylight stream 白昼流星群 daylight width 采光宽度 相似...
daylight savings───日光节约时间;夏时制;夏令时 daylight saving time───[天]夏令时;[天]日光节约时间 daylight saving times───[天]夏令时;[天]日光节约时间 daylight savings time───夏时制,日光节约时间 daylight-saving time───[天]夏令时;[天]日光节约时间 ...
daylight saving,daylight savings,daylight-savings time time- the continuum of experience in which events pass from the future through the present to the past Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc. ...
我总是在日光节约时间期间忘记把表调快一个小时。 12.Option to show a sundial with corrections for longitude, daylight savings time, and the equation of time. 选择显示,日晷与更正为经度,日光节约时间,和方程的时间。
Daylight Saving Time (DST) is often misspelled Daylight Savings Time, with an “s” at the end. Other common variations are Summer Time and Daylight-Saving Time.
Twice a year, our clocks move forward or turn back, in an effort known as "daylight-saving time." What are we saving exactly, and should it be "savings"?
Daylight Saving Time,日光节约时间,最早是1895年新西兰推出的,主要是节省当时的用电量,一般在天亮早的夏季人为将时间提前一小时,可以使人早起早睡,减少照明量,以充分利用光照资源,从而节约照明用电。现在先进的国家通常都有实施,北美的国家、欧盟所有国家、瑞士、俄罗斯、澳大利亚、新西兰等,墨西哥、...
同义词:daylight-saving timedaylight-savings timedaylight savingdaylight savings 学习怎么用 双语例句 1. But Wolff points toa bodyofevidence,includinghisownwork,suggestingthatdaylightsavingtime may not reallyconserveenergyat all. 然而伍尔夫用包括他自己的研究在内的一批证据表明,夏时制可能根本没有节约能源。