Country: New Zealand Abbreviations: NZ, NZL Other Name: Aotearoa Capital: Wellington Time Zones: 2 (Main Country) Total Time Zones: 3 (with dependencies) Dial Code: +644月6日 (日) Back 1 hour 2025年4月6日 (日) - Daylight Saving Time Ends When local daylight time is about to reach20...
Date: 11/27/2007NZDST - Microsoft JVM version 3815 releaseHi All, Daylight saving time (DST) affects all builds of the Microsoft JVM up to and including VM...Date: 10/22/2007Mac OS X: Adjusting Date & Time for New Zealand Daylight Saving Time in late 2007...
Australia and NZ's daylight saving ends April 1Australia & New Zealand Start DST 10月7日 (日) Forward 1 hour 2012年10月7日 (日) - Daylight Saving Time Started When local standard time was about to reach2012年10月7日星期日, 2時00分00秒 clocks were turned forward 1 hour to 2012年10...
Date: 11/27/2007NZDST - Microsoft JVM version 3815 releaseHi All, Daylight saving time (DST) affects all builds of the Microsoft JVM up to and including VM...Date: 10/22/2007Mac OS X: Adjusting Date & Time for New Zealand Daylight Saving Time in late 2007... The configuration changes provided in this document are required to change the “programmed in” dates of daylight saving time for various time zones. Some devices tha...
by Robyn Schelenz, University of California Credit: CC0 Public Domain Feeling a little out of it today? It's no surprise. You can thank Daylight Saving Time. It may seem counterintuitive that "falling back," as it is called when Daylight Saving Time ends (as it did yesterday, November ...
The government of Paraguay has shortened DST for 2013 to end on March 23, 2013 instead of April 6, 2013 as per the new DST rules [Official Decree]. This hotfix updates Windows DST support for the [(UTC -4:00) Asuncion] time zone so that DST ends on March 23, 2013 at 23:59:59.99...
Hi All, A reminder that this year, daylight savings ends two weeks later than previous years due the... Author: nzdst Date: 03/17/2008 Australia Eastern & Central 2008 Daylight Saving Changes Hi All, Australia Eastern (New South Wales, Victoria, Australian Capital Territory and Tasmania) and...
Hi All, A reminder that this year, daylight savings ends two weeks later than previous years due the...Author: nzdst Date: 03/17/2008Australia Eastern & Central 2008 Daylight Saving ChangesHi All, Australia Eastern (New South Wales, Victoria, Australian Capital Territory and Tasmania) and.....