Deep in Victoria’s pristine ‘spa country’ lies the spring that supplies the country’s finest mineral water. Subtle, elegant, silky, and refreshing, our range of mineral waters and juices are naturally pure and unmistakably Daylesford.
🌿 图2⃣️:Hepburn Mineral Springs Reserve 地址:Mineral Springs Reserve Rd, Daylesford VIC 3460 就在Hepburn Bathhouse & Spa旁边,这个公园提供多种矿泉水体验。你可以在漫步的同时,品尝不同泉水的独特味道。记得带上水瓶,这里的水是免费的哦!山坡上还有野韭菜,喜欢尝试新鲜食材的朋友不妨采一些带回家。🛁...
Deep in Victoria’s pristine ‘spa country’ lies the spring that supplies the country’s finest mineral water. Subtle, elegant, silky, and refreshing, our range of mineral waters and juices are naturally pure and unmistakably Daylesford.
We invite you to begin your wellness journey at Hepburn Bathhouse & Spa Hepburn Springs has been providing traditional wellness bathing since 1895.
♨️傍晚时分,来到酒店内部的「The Mineral Spa」泡温泉。三个温泉池、汗蒸房和休息室,让你在私密的环境中尽享温泉的舒适与惬意。💦晚霞映照下的小镇美景,更是让人心旷神怡。🍴晚餐时间,不妨尝试一下「Rubens@ Hepburn」地中海风味餐厅。提前预定,享受美味佳肴,如蒜香面包、鲜美的烩饭和品质上乘的眼肉...
登上画廊三楼,透过小窗可以眺望到小镇全景.画廊旁有一植物园(Wombat Hill Botanic Garden)可免费参观,因还要爬坡,我们就作罢了.就直接驱车去汉普本温泉( Hepburn Bathhouse & Spa, Mineral Springs Reserve Rd, Hepburn Springs) 汉普本温泉自1895年因其矿泉水质量而斐声中外,温泉有二种价格:一种是普通大池25元/...
酒店提供的mineral spa服务价格为$65,我觉得比$99的Hepburn hot springs and bath更值。🌇 傍晚时分,我出门拍摄枫叶和晚霞。因为我们是周三来的,所以Hepburn只有一家餐厅有晚餐,Rubens餐厅的食物非常好吃,量大且价格合理。🍳 第二天早上,酒店提供了早餐服务。虽然比不上上次的早餐,但酒店花园的景色和各种枫叶的...
主要两家温泉浴场,都位于 Hepburn Springs 小镇: ‣ Hepburn Bathhouse & Spa 招牌 ‣ The Mineral Spa左图Hepburn Bathhouse & Spa | 右图 The Mineral Spa◾️ Hepburn Bathhouse & Spa 查看地图温泉小镇招牌,最出名。百年老字号,创建于1895年。取自富含矿物质的天然温泉源头水。
Re-energise in the natural mineral waters, sample gourmet food and wine and stay in luxurious accommodation in Daylesford and the Macedon Ranges.
地址:20/22 Mineral Springs Cres, Hepburn Springs 项目:提供牛奶玫瑰浴、盐泥浴、皮肤护理和身体按摩等服务。环境安静放松,有淡淡的熏香味道,工作人员态度也很友善。 🍴 美食推荐:Cliffy's Cafe & Emporium 地址:105 Central Spring Rd, Daylesford 特色:这家餐厅不仅有美味的餐食,还有各种杂货出售,装饰也很漂...