let unixTime2 = dayjs(1); console.log(unixTime2.format('YYYY-DD-MM')); In the example, we get the current unix time and convert unix time 1 s to human readable format. let unixTime_s = dayjs().unix(); We get the Unix time withunixfunction. The returned value is the number ...
constlocalDiv: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('local'); const nowDiv: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('now'); constny: HTMLElement = document.getElementById('newYork'); const zuluTime: string ='2023-01-10T05:34:00.000Z'; ...
} init(cfg) { this.$y = this.$d.getFullYear() this.$M = this.$d.getMonth() this.$D = this.$d.getDate() this.$W = this.$d.getDay() this.$H = this.$d.getHours() this.$m = this.$d.getMinutes() this.$s = this.$d.getSeconds() this.$ms = this.$d.getMilliseconds...
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ export function useFormValues({ defaultValueRef, getSchema, formModel, getProps if (isObject(value)) { value = transformDateFunc?.(value); } if (isArray(value) && value[0]?._isAMomentObject && value[1]?._isAMomentObject) {...
relativeTime/ -> 相对时间方法集合,包括 to、from、toNow、fromNow index.js -> .. constant.js -> 默认常量,包括时间单位,正则 index.js -> 主文件 util.js -> 工具方法 test/ -> jest自动化测试工具 ... -> 测试用例 .babelrc -> babel配置 ...
local This returns a Day.js object with a flag to use local time. function no yes This requires the UTC plugin to work utc This returns a Day.js object with a flag to use UTC time. function no yes This requires the UTC plugin to work utcOffset Get the UTC offset in minutes. functi...
without the fix, this can get you0001-01-01T00:00:00.000Ztime if you dont useutc()then it will be0001-01-01T<localTime>.000Z dayjs().utc().year(1).month(0).date(1).hour(0) .minute(0) .second(0).millisecond(0) sanujs ...
local This returns a Day.js object with a flag to use local time. function no yes This requires the UTC plugin to work utc This returns a Day.js object with a flag to use UTC time. function no yes This requires the UTC plugin to work utcOffset Get the UTC offset in minutes. functi...
local This returns a Day.js object with a flag to use local time. function no yes This requires the UTC plugin to work utc This returns a Day.js object with a flag to use UTC time. function no yes This requires the UTC plugin to work utcOffset Get the UTC offset in minutes. functi...
219 * dayjs().get('month') // start 0 220 * dayjs().get('date') 221 * ``` 222 * Docs: https://day.js.org/docs/en/get-set/get 223 */ 224 get(unit: UnitType): number 225 /** 226 * Returns a cloned Day.js object with a specified amount of time added. ...