Look for low-income support or assistance. Every state offers income-based assistance for those who apply and qualify that can help pay for or subsidize the cost of childcare. To find out what's available in your state, check the database on Child Care Aware for a list of state-by-state...
Reports that the Louisiana Department of Social Services has cut the budget for Child Care Assistance Program in Louisiana. Implications for day cares and families; Comment of senator J. Thomas Schedler, ch...
Those wishing to report instances of child abuse in Louisiana are asked to call theDepartment of Children & Family Services (DCFS)Child Protection Hotline at1-855-4LA-KIDS(1-855-452-5437). The call is toll-free and answered 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Maine TheMaine Department of...
Look for low-income support or assistance. Every state offers income-based assistance for those who apply and qualify that can help pay for or subsidize the cost of childcare. To find out what's available in your state, check the database on Child Care Aware for a list of state-by-state...
One child care assistance program rejected her because she wasn’t working enough. It felt like an unsolvable quandary: Without care, she couldn’t work. And without work, she couldn’t afford care. But Richard’s life changed in the fall, when, thanks to a new city-funded program for...