The basic VFR weather minimums for operating an aircraft within Class D Airspace is clear of clouds and 3.0-km visibility. 450-meter ceiling and 1.5-km visibility. 450-meter ceiling and 5.0-km visibility. Which are the meteorological minima, that allow the tower to permit an SVFR flight in...
B—Weather conditions must exceed the basic VFR minimums for the entire route, including takeoff and landing. C—The flight cannot be conducted between official sunset and sunrise.9361. When a turbine-engine-powered airplane is to be ferried to another base for repair of an inoperative engine...
The weather conditions at takeoff and destination must be VFR. Weather conditions must exceed the basic VFR minimums for the entire route, including takeoff and landing. The flight cannot be conducted between official sunset and sunrise.
A—The weather conditions at takeoff and destination must be VFR. B—The flight cannot be conducted between official sunset and official sunrise. C—Weather conditions must exceed the basic VFR minimums for the entire route, including takeoff and landing. ...