This information can inform you of any set procedures the company has in place regarding time off. For example, your job role may allow you to take a designated number of hours for personal time off, depending on your contract. The organisation may limit the number of consecutive days off ...
常用搭配:clip sth. (off/from sth.) 剪(掉),修剪;缩短,削减 clip sth. (out of/from sth.) 剪下,剪掉 例句:She gave him a clip round the ear for being cheeky. 她因他放肆给了他一记耳光。 She clipped two seconds off her previous best t...
Because without financial support, low-earners can't afford to take that fifth day off. There's a lot of talk these days about the future of work and the opportunities that it offers. But there's more at stake here than opportunity. We have an imperative....
Yes i work a job. I’m taking a day off from a part time job. I hope this helps but I don’t know what the question is I’m sorry 查看翻译 Highly-rated answerer 这个答案有帮助吗? 嗯... (0) 有帮助 (0) us4gi 2023年5月22日 英语(美国) Because "off" is an adverb,...
B:Ok. You'd bettersee a doctorandget some rest. No.2 A:Mr. David, I've been invited to my best friend'sweddingthis weekend. Could Itake one day offthis Friday? B:Ok. But make sure tocompleteall your work before you go.
Just like everyone, I still remember my first job which I hated, thinking of many ways that I could escape work. Now, things changed, but the habit continued for a while. This is same like enjoying stealing apples from our neighborhood more than being served by our parents. Fun is no ...
Experts at Indexsy commented:“We’ve all been there. That feeling when you’re mentally exhausted but don’t feel like you can justify taking a day off. That’s exactly what needs to change. The old ‘power through’ mentality just doesn’t cut it anymore. Having the freedom t...
Find savvy job advice from the brains behind top careers blogs and websites, including Robin Madell and Hallie Crawford. RECOMMENDED On Careers Fired vs. Laid Off vs. Furloughed Careers How Long Does Unemployment Last? Careers The Fastest Growing Jobs in America Careers Signs You May Be Facing ...
eg.Previous teaching experience is a necessary qualification for this job. 从事这项工作必须有教学经验。 05 ambitious[æm'biʃəs] a. 有雄心的;野心勃勃的 eg.They were very ambitious for their children. 他们望子成龙心切。 06 ward[wɔ:d] n. 病房 v. 防止,抵挡(~ off) ...
C.She took too much time off to eat and sleep. D.She didn’t like teaching English literature.3. What is the writer’s biggest worry after her taskmaster’s observation of her class? A.She might lose her teaching job. B.She might lose her students’ respect. C.She couldn’t teach...