MS SQL: Get the Day of Week in Transact-SQL The day of week for a given date can in Microsoft SQL server be calculated based on the @@datefirstsystem variable and thedatepartfunction in Transact-SQL. The value returned fromdatepartis not constant but depends on the first day of week spec...
Before we discuss the proper ways to compute the first day of the week in SQL Server, let's talk about a trick you can use to show a readable label for a week – the MIN() function: SELECT DATEPART(week, RegistrationDate) AS Week, MIN(RegistrationDate) as WeekStart, COUNT(CustomerID...
Getting the current day is easy because this is achieved from the GETDATE() function but getting the start of the week is a little bit tricky. The user-defined function below accepts a date input and returns the first day of the week for that input date. CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[ufn_...
DAY 与DATEPART(day, date) 返回相同的值。 如果date 只包含时间部分,则DAY将返回 1,即基准日。 示例 此语句返回30,即天数本身。 SQL SELECTDAY('2015-04-30 01:01:01.1234567'); 此语句返回1900, 1, 1。 date 参数具有数值0。 SQL Server 将0解释为 1900 年 1 月 1 日。
DateDiffWeek DateDiffYear DateFromParts DateTime2FromParts DateTimeFromParts DateTimeOffsetFromParts FreeText IsDate SmallDateTimeFromParts TimeFromParts SqlServerEntityTypeBuilderExtensions SqlServerEntityTypeExtensions SqlServerIndexBuilderExtensions SqlServerIndexExtensions ...
Returns a date based upon criteria to find a specific day-of-week for a specific number of "steps" forward or backward. For instance, "last Wednesday" or "two Thursdays from today". @day_name = day of week to find ie. Monday, Tuesday... ...
SELECT DateAdd(day, -1, DATEADD(week, DATEDIFF(week,0,DATEADD(day, DateDiff(day,0,@mydate), 0)), 0)) Interesting issue. Too bad you have to double the number of calculations you're working with. Wayne Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008 ...
to create a new Web site with SQL Server™, ActiveX® Data Objects (ADO), and ASP. Lots of little things came up that I thought were worth sharing with MIND readers, so I'll focus this column on what I learned from this experience and the solutions to many of the problems I ...
Change the bookdate to year and month of the startdate
So if today is April 14, 2005, to get the first day of the month we simply need to subtract 13 days from it, which is achieved by subtracting 1 from the day part of the input date (14 - 1 = 13). Here's how this logic is achieved by the user-defined function: CAST(@pInput...