In this article, we'll explore different methods to extract days of the week from calendar date in Excel such as formulas and custom number formats. When you're using Excel to manage project deadlines, schedule appointments, or analyze data trends, it's often handy to know the day names fo...
Here’s a simple dataset of some dates that we’ll convert into days of the week. Method 1 – Using the TEXT Function to Display the Day of the Week from a Date in Excel Steps Select cell C5. Apply the following formula: =TEXT(B5,"dddd") Note: You can use two variations: TEXT...
The Excel WEEKDAY function is used to return the day of the week from a given date. The result is an integer, ranging from 1 (Sunday) to 7 (Saturday) by default. If your business logic requires a different enumeration, you can configure the formula to start counting with any other day...
I am working in Excel. How can I convert the day of the week (derived from a formula that takes the date and turns it into a day of the week) into text? Thanks for your help! jstumpff Let's say the formula with the day of the week is in D2. In another c...
Method 4 – Combining CHOOSE and WEEKDAY Functions in Excel to Convert a Date to the Day of Week The CHOOSE function returns a value from given list values based on the index number. Steps: Enter cell C5. Copy and paste the following formula. =CHOOSE(WEEKDAY(B5),"Sunday","Monday","Tu...
WEEKDAYThe WEEKDAY function in Excel returns a number from 1 (Sunday) to 7 (Saturday) representing the day of the week of a date.1. The WEEKDAY function below returns 2. 12/22/2025 falls on a Monday.2. You can also use the TEXT function to display the day of the week....
How to Extract the Day From a Date in Excel How to create a formula for extracting the day of the week from a date. Last updated on 2024-05-15. Introduction This spreadsheets gives examples of three ways we might represent the dates listed in Column A: The contents of the cells in ...
WEEKDAY function: counts the weekday in a date range. The formula WEEKDAY($B$3:$B$10) returns an array result: {6;6;3;1;3;7;1;6} The formula =(WEEKDAY($B$3:$B$10)=F3) returns an array result: {FALSE; FALSE; FALSE; FALSE; FALSE; FALSE; FALSE; FALSE} ...
The number 7 (the number argument in the MOD function) represents the day of week (dow) that you want. To solve this formula, Excel first subtracts the dow (7 in this case) from the date, then feeds the result into the MOD function as the number. MOD returns the rem...
WEEKDAY function: returns an integer number from 1 to 7 to represent the day of the week for a given date in Excel. DAY function: gets the day as a number (1 to 31) from a date. =B3-DAY(B3)+1+D3*7-WEEKDAY(B3-DAY(B3)+8-C3) =B3-DAY(B3)+1+D3*7-WEEKDAY(B3-3+8-1)...