Well, the most common system involves using the first letter or the first few letters of the day's name. Monday, for instance, is easily shortened to "Mon." Tuesday becomes "Tues." But what about the rest? The beauty of these abbreviations lies in their simplicity. The...
Let's assume that your date is in cell A3, and you want to show the day names as 2-letter abbreviations such as "Su" for Sunday, "Mo" for Monday, etc. The following formula works a treat: =CHOOSE(WEEKDAY(A3), "Su","Mo","Tu","We","Th","Fr","Sa") Display day of week ...
Abbreviations ALAT alanine transaminase CH cholesterol CHO carbohydrate Hgb hemoglobin n-3 PUFA long chain polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids PA physical activity TG triglyceride The authors declare no conflicts of interest. [S] The online version of this article (available at http://www.jlr.org)...
We've all been there! These little time-savers are the backbone of calendars and schedules everywhere. Let's decode these abbreviations and explore some fun facts about the days of the week: 1. Start of the Week Wonders: Mon (Monday): Often met with a mix of emotions,...
abbreviations.html">Month AbbreviationsWeekday NamesWeekday AbbreviationsMinimal Weekday AbbreviationsRelative TimeCalendar
-题目:Matchthedaysoftheweekwiththeirabbreviations: -答案: -Monday-M -Tuesday-T -Wednesday-W -Thursday-Th -Friday-F -Saturday-S -Sunday-Su -解析:此题考查学生对星期表达方式的掌握。通过连线题的形式,让学生将星期名称与它们的缩写进行匹配。 4.例题四:翻译题 -题目:翻译以下句子:今天是什么节日? -...
The following series of abbreviations So, Mo, Di, Mi, Do, Fr, Sa, can be displayed using the latter series of letters.MAEZAWA,SHUJI
=CHOOSE(WEEKDAY(C3),"S","M","T","W","T","F","S") Joining these 2 formulas together gives us our result. =CHOOSE(WEEKDAY(B3),"S","M","T","W","T","F","S") Weekday Abbreviations in Google Sheets All the above examples work the same way in Google Sheets. ...
Abbreviations BMI: Body mass index CARS: Children’s Activity Rating Scale CI: Confidence interval ICC: Intra class correlation OR: Odds ratio PA: Physical activity Ref.: Reference group SC: Step counts ST: Screen time References Taylor WC, Baranowski T, Sallis JF. Family determi...
Though the CHOOSE formula is slightly more cumbersome to configure, it provides more flexibility letting you output the day names in any format you want. In the above example, we show the abbreviated day names. Instead, you can deliver full names, custom abbreviations or even day names in a...