(Decoded) 01:45 [转载]FNF Corruption EVIL BF vs Corrupt Skid n Pump (Chiller Erect Remix) 02:41 [转载]FNF Corruption EVIL BF vs Pico DAY 2 - (Jammed) 03:57 [转载]Friday Night Funkin' Corruption - KILLSTREAK (BONUS) 03:23 [转载]FNF Corruption: THE VICTIM | Whitty vs EVIL GF | ...
The older the fiddle the sweeter the tune. Top of the Morning Meme Good morning on St Patricks Day requires a top of the morning meme. Or check out thesegood morning memesfor any day! All that Lucky Charms eating and green beer drinking, yet the luck of the Irish just ain’t hitting....
Everyone finds Friday the best day of the working week… and it’s easy to understand why. But Monday morning comes… and where did the weekend go? Remember, if you enter the first day after your lovely weekend with the right mindset, the day will follow suit… and not only the day....
MadeMeSmile 1994 Ukraine applies to join the European Union! 176992 funny 1806 My best friends grandma made these before she passed away to give out at her funeral. What an icon 132261 memes 1764 R/MEMES MEME QUIZ #2 607799 nextfuckinglevel 1736 Large crowd of antiwar protestors in St. Pe...
Blaze Race to the Top of the World Disney Tangled Double TroubleMost popular categories Wow Wow Wubbzy Girl Friday Night Funkin My Little Pony Cooking Lego Frozen Puzzle Cars Ben 10 Princess Kids Paw Patrol Hello Kitty 2 Player Peppa Pig Sofia the First Minecraft Five Nights at Freddy Beyblade...
Yeah, I am just not one of those “morning people” – I am more of an afternoon, evening person. This is totally applicable to our kids who naturally wake up at the butt crack of dawn on the weekend. WHY KIDS, WHY!?!?! Friday morning, my body sleeps in – come Saturday wide aw...
The lovely and incredibly sweet, Jenn has tagged me for a meme that asks what 5 things you do to stay mentally healthy. This is certainly a great thing to think about, especially during these darker days of winter and the stress that can come up for many around the holidays. Here are...
thursday addams meme thirsty thursday memes ♥“You’ve been working from Monday to Wednesday for three days, and now that it’s almost the weekend, you can take it easy.” ♥“Thursdays are a bunch of pretenders. They’d like to be on Friday, but they’re not on Friday!” ...
4. Friday, yay! viasayingimages Is this how you look on Fridays? Don’t be shy—we definitely know the feeling. We smile like this too. Friday is the best day of the week! 5. Boop! Got yah! viasayingimages Our hearts literally melted when we saw this meme. Isn’t the little ele...
♥“This has got to be the most Monday-like Wednesday ever.”— Anonymous ♥“It’s hump day for others. To us, it’s Wednesday being kicked in the shins and Thursday simply telling Friday to swap positions.”— Anonymous ♥“t In the middle of the week, Wednesdays are like Monda...