In the Islamic calendar, the Day of Arafat occurs on the ninth day of the month ofDhul Hijjah. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) delivered his final sermon on this day, which is of great significance for Muslims. As well as making dua, or supplication, it is a day of forgivene...
Arafat Day, also known as the Day of Arafah, holds great significance for Muslims around the world. It falls on the ninth day of the Islamic month of Dhul Hijjah roughly 70 days after the end of Ramadan and just one day before the festival of Eid Al Adha. Arafat Day commemorates a key...
Eid Al Adha is the next public holiday in the UAE in 2025 after Eid al Fitr. The day of Arafat will fall on Friday, May 30. Hence, the Eid al Adha holidays will start the next day and last until Monday, June 2. Eid Al-Adha, also known as the “Festival of Sacrifice,” is ano...
We had to persistently ask questions about where we were going and ask about the significance of the places but he was not able to provide us information. We asked questions to engage him but he continued to speak on the phone. We had to plead him to get clos...
This is the most beautiful trip i got in my life The leader was amazing her name is arafat He’s from Egypt He’s amazingggggg 💎💎💎💎💎💎 Read more Written February 16, 2025 455hn 0 contributions Unforgettable trip with a great gu...
On 8th December the general public were given access to one of the deepest locks on the connected network, Bath Deep Lock, as the showpiece of the Canal & River Trust's pre-Christmas open days. In spite of it being a cold, wet, blustery day and having to compete with Bath's Christmas...