Day 4: Class vs. Instance Task Write a Person class with an instance variable,age, and a constructor that takes an integer,initialAge, as a parameter. The constructor must assign initialAgeto ageafter confirming the argument passed as initialAgeis not negative; if a negative argument is passe...
HackerRank【30 Days of Code——day03】 Day 3: Intro to Conditional Statements importmathimportosimportrandomimportreimportsysdefconditional_statements(N):ifN>=1andN<=100:if(N%2) ==0:if(N>2andN<5):print('Not Weird')elif(N>6andN<=20):print('Weird')elif(N>20):print('Not Weird')e...
Python: Practice: Textbooks: Cheat Sheets:
Day 1: Data Types i = 4d= 4.0s='HackerRank'#Declare second integer, double, and String variables.inputInt =int(input()) inputDouble=float(input()) inputString=input()#Read and save an integer, double, and String to your variables.#Print the sum of both integer variables on a new lin...
HackerRank【30 Days of Code——day0】 Day 0: Hello, World. Task To complete this challenge, you must save a line of input from stdin to a variable, printHello, World.on a single line, and finally print the value of your variable on a second line....