在本文中,我們將示範 first 三大優點,使用 year-over-year(YoY)銷售成長的範例 measure。 (同比銷售增長的公式為週期銷售,減去同期銷售 lastyear,除以同期銷售 lastyear。讓我們從下列 measure 定義開始。DAX 複製 Sales YoY Growth % = DIVIDE( ([Sales] - CALCULATE([Sales], PARALLELPERIOD('Date'[Date], ...
CALCULATE ( <measure>, ( 'Date'[Date] ) ) 可以用以下度量代替: CALCULATE ( <measure>, CALCULATETABLE ( ( 'Date'[Date] ), 'Date'[DatesWithSales] = TRUE ) ) 这样,在初始筛选上下文中,时间智能函数将只考虑有销售的日期,而忽略所有其他日期。 虽然只是操作筛选上下文,而没有从物理表中删除日期...
若要在不使用变量的情况下 calculate 百分比 year-over-year 增长,可以创建三个单独的度量值。 此 firstmeasure 计算销售额 Sum: DAX复制 Sumof SalesAmount =SUM(SalesTable[SalesAmount]) second measure 计算 previousyear的销售金额: DAX复制 SalesAmountPreviousYear=CALCULATE([Sum of SalesAmount],SAMEPERIODLAS...
Now,假設我們正在嘗試解決有關計算銷售差異的商業問題,year-over-year 每個顏色。 實際上,我們需要一個方法,在 previousyearand 中 find 相同色彩的銷售量減去目前 year中的銷售額。 例如,針對 [Red, 2019] 的組合,我們要尋找 [Red, 2018] 的銷售。 一旦有了,就可以從目前的銷售減去它,and 傳回所需的 value...
This week I'm working to create a measure to count the total commits in a repository. I thought it was working until I looked at the grand total and found something was off. For the case of Grand Total, the value was mysterious. These were the measures I was using. ...
This article describes how to implement a custom year-over-year calculation in DAX based on arbitrary associations between different periods. As an example,
Not only can you see the DAX formulas, but you can even edit one or more of them. When you run the DAX query, they will use the modified version in the query tab over the model measure DAX formula. This way I can test any changes! Here I have doubled one of the measures. I ca...
Now imagine, you also want Year over Year and Year over Year % for Month to Date and Quarter to Date; that would add another 4 measures, bringing total number of measures based upon Reseller Sales to 13. Now imagine you want all the same Time Intelligence capabilities for all of your ot...
For example, we can put SalesAmount and our new Previous Quarter Sales measure from the Sales table into a Clustered column chart. Then from the Calendar table add Year as a slicer and select 2011. Then after, add QuarterOfYear as another Slicer and select 4, and we get a chart like ...
如果使用Measure完成上述计算,结果无法作为维度使用。 在视图中,分类是:客户订单频次,答案是“客户ID不同计数”,没有筛选范围。结果如下所示: LOD2 预先聚合作为分类:“客户阵列分析 cohort analysis” 这就也需要“计算列”(calculated column)出场,计算列的性质等价于数据表字段,在数据表刷新时先于任意可视化视图而...