VAR _value = [KPI] // 当前元素的 KPI VAR _value_total = CALCULATE( [KPI], ALLSELECTED( ) ) // 全局元素的 KPI // 构建视图层汇总表 VAR _v_table = CALCULATETABLE( ADDCOLUMNS( VALUES( 'Product'[Product] ) , "@Value" , [KPI]), ALLSELECTED( ) ) // 视图层计算 RETURN SUMX( _v_...
VALUE Function (DAX) DATEVALUE Function (DAX) TIMEVALUE Function (DAX) Back to Top Scenario: Conditional Values and Testing for Errors Like Excel, DAX has functions that let you test values in the data and return a different value based on a condition. For example, you could create a ...
VARvList=VALUES(vTable[LineSellout]) 这就是一个错误的语法,因为vTable[LineSellout]并不是合理的引用。 正确的做法如下: 代码语言:javascript 复制 VARvList=SELECTCOLUMNS(vTable,"LineSellout",[LineSellout]) 这样就可以返回其中某个列作为的表。 更多的思考 首先,关于表与基表的问题,在此前的文章中有深刻...
DAX includes many functions that return a table, rather than a value. The table is not displayed in a reporting client, but is used to provide input to other functions. For example, you can retrieve a table and then count the distinct values in it, or calculate dynamic sums across filtere...
value. This blank value is useful in cases where you are looking up distinct values from a related table, but a value used in the relationship is missing from one table. In database terminology, this is termed a violation of referential integrity. Such mismatches in data can occur when one...
If you include semicolons with nothing between them, the missing section is shown using the format of the positive value.Custom numeric format charactersThe following custom numeric format characters can be specified in the format_string argument:...
VAR EndDate = MAXX( { MAX( 'Model_Order'[订单日期] ) , MAX( 'Model_Order'[发货日期] ) } , [Value] ) // 根据实际修改 在你的一堆表里,可能日期表的日期范围需要覆盖很多表,那么请照葫芦画瓢地使用上面的套路来修改刚刚的模板即可。
calculations. For example, you can create formulas that sum values for a related table and then save that value in a single cell. Or, to control the rows from the related table, you can apply filters to tables and columns. For more information, seeRelationships between tab...
You just created a simple yet very powerful DAX formula. For each row in the FactSales table, the NetSales formula calculates a value by subtracting the value in the [ReturnQuantity] column from the value in the [SalesQuantity] column. Notice how we just said “...
通过提供List来减少迭代遍历的次数。 那么有没有继续可以优化的空间?有的。 优化写法: SalesAmountByDisplay3 = VAR CurrentDetail = ADDCOLUMNS ( DISTINCT ( 'Dim_DisplayDepartment' ), "@CurrentValue", VAR CurrentDepartmentKey = 'Dim_DisplayDepartment'[DepartmentKey] ...