Power BI February 2023 Feature Summary Announcements Features Metrics Power BI 15 février, 2023 par Ryan Majidimehr Welcome to the February 2023 update! This month, we’ve added TypeScript support in the developer playground sandbox, several new formatting features for reporting, and so much more...
(How to use script to generateTIMEdimension) 应用场景: 以下是几个应用场景: 复用时间维度表 按照时间段分析用户行为 -- 精准推送 按照时间段分析服务器负载 -- 资源分配、负载平衡 要点: 按下面步骤操作,具体M语言是什么,可以忽略。(下面的属性不够用再参考M语言是什么) 1.PowerBI面板>Edit Que...
DAX(Data Analysis Expressions)是一种用于Power BI和其他Microsoft数据分析工具的函数语言。在Power BI中计算加权平均值可以使用DAX函数来实现。下面是...
https://gallery.technet.microsoft.com/scriptcenter/SSAS-Bus-Matrix-Generator-80de3aacVisualizing SSAS Calculation Dependencies using PowerBIhttp://blog.gbrueckl.at/2016/04/visualizing-ssas-calculation-dependencies-using-powerbi/Azure Data Cataloghttps://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/...
(How to use script to generate date dimension) 应应用用场场景景:: 以下是几个应用场景: 复复用用时时间间维维度度表表 偷偷懒懒不不想想一一个个个个添添加加时时间间属属性性列列 最最终终PowerBI效效果果显显示示如如下下:: 要要点点:: 按下面步骤操作,具体M语言是什么,可以忽略。 (下面的属性不...
【千锋教育】PowerBI入门教程,从Excel到PowerBI商业数据分析/python入门 cool_guy1111 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清 100+个相关视频 更多 1.2万 196 0:52 App 普通人千万不要学Python!!! 4517 -- 5:24 App 如何用1分钟介绍“什么是Power BI”?| PowerBI系统课程 2761 1 2:42:19 App 【AirScript】pytho...
be sure to Restart Power BI Desktop as External Tools are only added during the start up process of Power BI Desktop Create a DAX Template using DAX.powerbi.tips Be sure to include as much information as possible. The template description is particularly important to let users find and unders...
I am training on Dax and I am trying to get the top 5 clients but I keep getting an error in the Power BI Measure window but when I execute the script in Dax Studio it runs fine. Can you help me on how to get this to work? top 5 raised = TOPN( 5, ADDCOLUMNS ( VALUES (...
Power BI Spanish forums Translated Spanish Desktop Training and Consulting Instructor Led Training Dashboard in a Day for Women, by Women Galleries Community Connections & How-To Videos COVID-19 Data Stories Gallery Themes Gallery Data Stories Gallery R Script Showcase Webinars and...
DAX查询是一种数据分析表达式语言,用于在Power BI、Power Pivot和Analysis Services等工具中进行数据分析和计算。它可以从多个表的多个列中获取不同的值,以满足复杂的数据分析需求。 DAX查询的优势在于其灵活性和强大的计算能力。它支持多种数据类型和函数,可以进行各种数学、逻辑和统计计算。同时,DAX查询还支持数据...