RELATEDTABLERELATEDTABLE 函式會從關聯性的「多」端擷取資料列資料表。 USERELATIONSHIPUSERELATIONSHIP 函式強制使用特定非使用中模型關聯性。 當您的模型包含角色扮演維度資料表,而您選擇從此資料表建立非使用中的關聯性時,此函式很實用。如需詳細資訊,請參閱作用中與非使用中關聯性指引。
A better approach would be to use the existing relationship between InternetSales_USD and SalesTerritory and explicitly state that the country must be different from the United States. To do so, create a filter expression like the following: FILTER( 'InternetSales_USD', RELATED('SalesTerritory'[...
If a relationship does not exist, you must create a relationship. When the RELATED function performs a lookup, it examines all values in the specified table regardless of any filters that may have been applied. The RELATED function needs a row context; therefore, it can only be used in ...
you can use a calculated column to determine all the shipping records related to the current reseller, and then sum the shipping costs for each. In many cases, however, a relationship might not be necessary. You can use theLOOKUPVALUEfunction in a formula to return the value inresult_column...
If we use the relatedtable function, then which function should be use to put reference for only one column. For example to compare the date column of table 2 with date column of table 3. Table2[date] < function(relatedtable(table3),date) I am not sure if there is any su...
Indeed, you can only have one active relationship between any two tables. For example, you start with a model where Sales is related to Date through the Date column, like in the following picture. If you create a second relationship, based on the Delivery Date columns, the second ...
Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard's Complete Relationship Timeline September 2016 Shepard marked 12 years of sobriety with a message on Twitter. "12 years ago today I came out of my last toxic, life-threatening stupor. I now have a wife & babies & some self-esteem," he wrote. ...
You were just introduced to another very important function in DAX, theRELATEDfunction. The RELATED function returns values from another table. You can use RELATED provided there is a relationship between the table you are currently in and the table that contains the values you w...
I have table lets say called G and it has *:1 relationship with three tables A,B&C. the relationship between A & G is the active one, however B,C are inactive so Im trying to create a measure that filter based on both B & C but if I use the USERELATIONSHIP function on both ...
If you want to customize calculations on a row-by-row basis, DAX includes functions that let you use the current row value or a related value to perform calculations that vary by context. DAX includes a type of function that returns a table as its result, rather than a ...