Ignore outer filter (slicer) with DAX 12-28-2021 02:44 AM Hello, For the new sparklines feature, I would like to create a measure that ignores slicers from the 'Dates' table. I want my sparklines to be based on [MonthYear], this way the months won't arregate with the s...
There is no problem with above measure, so please ignore it. Now we need to work/modify on 'Invoice Unit Rate test3' measure to make sure it calculates the average of their DBName_Point Id under their respective Utility(Electricity or Gas). 'Invoice Unit Rate test 3' measu...
There is no problem with above measure, so please ignore it. Now we need to work/modify on 'Invoice Unit Rate test3' measure to make sure it calculates the average of their DBName_Point Id under their respective Utility(Electricity or Gas). 'Invoice Unit...
Solved: I am trying to get a measure to look at one particular slicer, ignore all other slicers, get the distinct values from a joined table based on
I am trying to filter the count of submissions by year and months selected by user (slicer), I created a measure to get the count by year but in case of months, the end user can select multiple values (Jan, feb etc) I wrote the following formula, but it only works when selecting ...
A measure operates on aggregations of data defined by the current context, which depends on the filter applied in the report – such as slicer, rows, and columns selection in a pivot table, or axes and filters applied to a chart. At this point, you might be wondering when to use ...
Thus, we define this calculated measure:现在,如果需要计算总绝对行数,而不希望受到Name的影响,也就是说希望计算的上下文总是所有的Name,定义如下的计算字段: CountAllNames = CALCULATE ( COUNTROWS ( 'Demo' ), ALL ( 'Demo'[Name] ) ) We obtain the CountAllNames column in the PivotTable that ...
Now, we might have the need to calculate a measure which is not affected by the selection of the Name or,in other words,which always calculate the context for all the names. Thus, we define this calculated measure: 现在,如果需要计算总绝对行数,而不希望受到Name的影响,也就是说希望计算的上下...
As far as I can tell, your expression delivers the intended result, when used as a measure. That is, if you intened on calculating the number of facts in your Data table for the "current" time intervall. The Data Specialist (Blog) ...
So the “magic” aspect of that measure is “just” that it allows to cross the m:n-connection between the tables that we cannot set in the model. Reply Robert 13.07.17 @ 2:58 PM So setting bi directional and not using the Accountsallocation (bridge) table will have the same ...