=CALCULATE(SUM(InternetSales_USD[SalesAmount_USD]),DATESYTD(DateTime[DateKey])) 以下示例公式创建一个度量值,该度量值使用“日期”格式的“美国区域设置”计算 Internet 销售额的“会计年度运行总额”。 DAX复制 =CALCULATE(SUM(InternetSales_USD[SalesAmount_USD]),DATESYTD(DateTime[DateKey],"6-30") ) ...
=CALCULATE(SUM(InternetSales_USD[SalesAmount_USD]),DATESYTD(DateTime[DateKey])) 下列範例公式會建立一個量值,此量值會使用美國地區設定來計算因特網銷售的「會計年度執行總計」,以取得日期格式。 DAX複製 =CALCULATE(SUM(InternetSales_USD[SalesAmount_USD]),DATESYTD(DateTime[DateKey],"6-30") ) ...
These functions help you create calculations based on dates and time. Many of the functions in DAX are similar to the Excel date and time functions. However, DAX functions use a datetime data type, and can take values from a column as an argument.In...
=CALCULATE(SUM(InternetSales_USD[SalesAmount_USD]), DATESMTD(DateTime[DateKey])) 请参阅 参考 DATESYTD 函数 (DAX) DATESQTD 函数 (DAX) 概念 获取PowerPivot 示例数据 其他资源 时间智能函数 (DAX) 日期和时间函数 (DAX)
在Dax中获得DateTime差可以使用DAX函数DATEDIFF。DATEDIFF函数用于计算两个日期之间的差异,并返回以指定时间单位表示的结果。 语法: DATEDIFF(start_date, end_date, time_unit) 参数说明: start_date: 起始日期 end_date: 结束日期 time_unit: 时间单位,可以是以下值之一: ...
DAX date and time functions return a datetime data type. In contrast, Excel date and time functions return an integer that represents a date as a serial number. Many of the new DAX functions either return a table of values or make calculations based on a table of values ...
DAX date and time functions return a datetime data type. In contrast, Excel date and time functions return an integer that represents a date as a serial number. Many of the new DAX functions either return a table of values or make calculations based on a table of values ...
A date in datetime format. Remarks The DATEVALUE function uses the locale and date/time settings of the client computer to understand the text value when performing the conversion. If the current date/time settings represent dates in the format of Month/Day/Year, then the string, "1/8/2015...
日期(DateTime) 布尔值 (TRUE/FALSE) 文本(String) 二进制 (Binary) Blank/Null 类型 变体(Variant) 类型 变体数据类型用于可能返回不同数据类型的度量值,具体取决于度量值使用的条件表达式。例如,下面的语句可以返回整数或字符串,所以它返回一个变体类型:IF([measure] >0,1,"N/A") ...
要获取本周开始的DateTime,您可以使用以下代码片段: 代码语言:python 复制 import datetime # 获取今天的日期 today = datetime.date.today() # 计算本周开始的日期 week_start = today - datetime.timedelta(days=today.weekday()) # 将日期转换为DateTime week_start_datetime = datetime.datetime.combine(week_...