Solved: Hello, Hopefully this is an easy one. I have the following column in my date table, which I use to calculate the last day of the week for
NOTE: 在智能提示中,SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR()将单个Dates参数作为其唯一参数输入,其实DAX所有的内置时间智能函数都需要这个Dates参数,它总是指向Calendar表中的Date列。 3️⃣ 去年同期"函数是如何工作的 How does SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR() Work? 在第15章中,我们介绍了CALCULATE()可以接受一个表作为高级筛选参数...
- WEEKDAY ( _selectedDate, 2 )VAR lastMonday = CALCULATE ( MAX ( Table1[DayDate] ), FILTER ( ALL ( Table1[DayDate] ), Table1[DayDate] <= _selecteddate && WEEKDAY ( Table1[DayDate] ) = 2 ) )RETURN CALCULATE ( SUM ( Table1[TH] ), FILTER ( ALL ( Table1[DayDate] ), ...
The syntax of the CALENDAR function consists of only two parameters, such as start date and end date, which indicate the beginning and ending date of your preferred time range, respectively. The above command returns a table with one column containing all the dates between the given start date...
@toshiro10- Well, I've been thinking about recursion and "previous value" since I posted this. It's not easy, DAX hates recursion and anything that involves "previous value" and such has this kind of problem. However, I did sucessfully create a measure to calculate the Fibonacci series th...
FACT(<number>) ParametersExpand table TermDefinition number The non-negative number for which you want to calculate the factorial.Return valueA decimal number.RemarksIf the number is not an integer, it is truncated and an error is returned. If the result is too large, an error is returned...
在Power BI中,Date diff函数用于计算在同一列中的两个日期之间的差异。它接受三个参数:start_date(开始日期)、end_date(结束日期)和unit(计算差异的时间单位)。 该函数可用于在报表中计算两个日期之间的天数、月数或年数。它在数据分析和报表制作中非常有用,可以帮助用户进行时间间隔的计算和比较。 以下是对Date...
Total commits same period last year:=CALCULATE([Total commits], SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR(DateTable[DATE])) I looked into the reason for this. It's because the Grand Total case does not include any filters. When this happens, [Total commits] gets calculated for "All time" which work...
[Item] ), FILTER ( ALL ( 'Date'[Date] ), 'Date'[Date] <= MAX ( 'Date'[Date] )) VAR Week1 CALCULATE ( SUM ( Verkoop[Aantal] ), FILTER ( ALL ( 'Date' ), 'Date'[Date] <= MAX ( 'Date'[Date] ) + 7) RETURN SWITCH(TRUE(), Stock + Week1 < 0, "Yes", e...
CALCULATE(FIRSTNONBLANK(Data[To Date MH/UN],1=1),FILTER(Data,Data[Week ending date]=MAX(Data[Week ending date]))) When I tried to use your code, I was not able to select the required field. For some reason, it was not acceting the field [To Date MH/UN]. I had to...