Power BI中DAX函数非常多,功能非常强大,下面结合一些实际场景来讲解DAX一些常用的函数,这些场景包含求和...
RANK 不會與 RANKX 比較,因為 SUM 與 SUMX 比較。 reset只能用於視覺計算,而且不能與orderBy或partitionBy搭配使用。 如果reset存在,則可以指定axis,但無法指定relation。 範例1 - 計算結果列 下列DAX 查詢: DAX複製 EVALUATEADDCOLUMNS( 'DimGeography',"Rank", RANK( DENSE, 'DimGeography', ORDERBY( 'DimGeo...
The expression that we put in the first parameter has to be evaluated to return the result (that is a value, not a table). For this reason, the expression is usually an aggregation function like SUM, MIN, MAX, COUNTROWS and so on.置于CALCULATE函数的第一个参数是为了运算后返回结果(该结果...
CALCULATE计算修改后的 filter 上下文中的表达式。 CALCULATETABLE计算修改后的 filter 上下文中的表表达式。 EARLIER返回所提及列的外部计算传递中指定列的当前 value。 EARLIEST返回指定列的外部计算传递中指定列的当前 value。 FILTER返回一个表,该表表示另一个表 or 表达式的子集。
= SUMX(ResellerSales_USD, ResellerSales_USD[SalesAmount_USD])/CALCULATE( SUM( ResellerSales_USD[SalesAmount_USD]), ALL(ProductCategory[ProductCategoryName])) La formule est construite comme suit : Le numérateur, SUMX(ResellerSales_USD, ResellerSales_USD[SalesAmount_USD]), est la somme des...
DEFINE MEASURE FactInternetSales[Sales] =SUM(FactInternetSales[Sales Amount]) EVALUATESUMMARIZECOLUMNS( DimDate[CalendarYear], NONVISUAL(TREATAS({2007,2008}, DimDate[CalendarYear])),"Sales", [Sales],"Visual Total Sales",CALCULATE([Sales],ALLSELECTED(DimDate[CalendarYear])) ) ORDER BY [Calendar...
The following example uses the CALCULATETABLE function to get the sum of Internet sales for 2002. This value is later used to calculate the ratio of Internet sales compared to all sales for the year 2002. The following table shows the results from the following formula. Expand table Row Labe...
DAX includes many functions that return a table rather than a value. The table is not displayed, but is used to provide input to other functions. For example, you can retrieve a table and then count the distinct values in it, or calculate dynamic sums across filtered table...
This is how to apply the Dax filter function to calculate the value based on the column in Power Bi. Have a look: How to Append Columns in Power Query Power BI DAX filter max value Let us see how we can apply the Dax filter function to calculate the maximum value based on the max ...
calculate how much each reseller sold. However, you want to show the sales amount just for those resellers who sold multiple units of your higher-value products. The following formula, based on the DAX sample workbook, shows one example of how you can create this calculation by using a ...