Average_Prev_Three_Years_DA_Per_Date-2 = VAR PresentYear = YEAR(TODAY()) RETURN ADDCOLUMNS( FILTER( ALL('Summary Table'), YEAR('Summary Table'[Date]) = PresentYear ), "Avg_Prev_Three_Years_DA", CALCULATE( AVERAGE('Summary Table'[Daily Adjustment]), FILTER( ALL('Summary Table'), YE...
我尝试添加一个包含DAX公式的列,如下所示: DAX Index = RANKX(ALL( InventoryItems ),InventoryItems[INVENTORYDATE],,ASC,Dense) STATUSyesterday = VAR _CurrentRowIndex = InventoryItems[DAX Index] VAR _PreviousRowIndex = CALCULATE(MAX( InventoryItems[DAX Index] ),FILTER( InventoryIt 浏览2提问于2022-...
Struggling on DAX logic to calculate Average Daily Volume for Pre vs Post Analysis 07-08-2022 08:36 AM Hello Community,Its a very long thread but I am doing my best to be as elaborative as possible!I'm working on creating Pre vs Post Analysis to understand the ef...
CALCULATE([Sales Amount],ALLSELECTED(),VALUES(Date[CalendarYear] ))) 值得注意的是,整个CALCULATE([SalesAmount],ALLSELECTED()),就是前面公式的分母,其实就是一个度量值列表。我们只是在该度量的基础上,加了一个VALUES ( Date[CalendarYear]列表筛选条件而已。其实际是一个简洁版的CALCULATE(度量+筛选),因为与...
Power BI daily average calculation I am creating a dashboard to display some calculated metrics. I have a detail with thousands of lines of submitted invoices. I have pulled out the Creation Dates, User, and the number of invoices submitted (by day and user), and I am trying to do some...
CALCULATE([Total Sales], SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR('Calendar'[Date])) 输入公式时,智能提示显示:SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR返回的是当前上下文日期(矩阵的日期行字段)前一年的日期,CALCULATE再用这个日期筛选出SALES表,再计算[Total Sales]。 去年同期销售额度量值 NOTE: 在智能提示中,SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR()将单个Dates...
Column_Value_last_wek = VAr wk = 'Table'[Week]VAR n_wk = ("wk" & (MID(wk,3,2) -1))VAR n_value = CALCULATE(SUM('Table'[Value]),'Table'[Week] = n_wk)return n_value 内容基本一样。对应表中的每一条Week值计算结果。没有用MAX函数。
D Power BI daily average calculation I am creating a dashboard to display some calculated metrics. I have a detail with thousands of lines of submitted invoices. I have pulled out the Creation Dates, User, and the number of invoices submitted (by day and user), and I am trying to do ...
[CumulativeProducts]:=CALCULATE(SUM(Sales[Quantity]),FILTER(ALL('Date'),'Date'[Datekey]<=MAX('Date'[Datekey]))) 公式的核心是使用CALCULATE设置的新筛选器,以粗体突出显示。您必须将注意力集中在关于此表达式的两个要点上: 使用ALL(Date)来忽略当前上下文。实际上,FILTER遍历整个表,分析当前筛选上下文之外...