• Age restrictions and other terms and conditions apply. Please refer to the User Agreement (https://sqex.to/ffxiv_agreement) and Square Enix Account Terms of Use (https://sqex.to/ffxiv_terms) for the terms and conditions of registration and service. Please visit the FINAL FANTASY XIV we...
chaque édition du jeu nécessite un abonnement. • Des limites d'âge ainsi que d'autres conditions générales sont en vigueur. Veuillez consulter le Contrat d'utilisateur (https://sqex.to/ffxiv_agreement) et les Conditions d'utilisation de SQUARE ENIX (https://sqex.to/ffxiv_terms) pou...
• Age restrictions and other terms and conditions apply. Please refer to the User Agreement (https://sqex.to/ffxiv_agreement) and Square Enix Account Terms of Use (https://sqex.to/ffxiv_terms) for the terms and conditions of registration and service. Please visit the FINAL FANTASY XIV we...
蔚藍海洋、晴朗天空和無盡的可能性正在 Dawntrail 等著你,這是《FFXIVO》備受好評的最新擴充包!與熟悉的面孔一起探索未知領域、發現新部落、面對可怕威脅,並在希望曙光再次照耀時拓展視野。 「Digital Collector's Edition」也包含了遊戲內物品的加成,能在冒險中助你
一代目沙场矿将,在FFXIV 7.0跑分中取得了5856的好成绩 total loading time:9.559 个人使用评价 矿场矿将一代目,只进过一次窑子的存在,至于现在本次测试这张,是没矿过的矿将 至于为啥没矿过,它刚发行之后就从众多兄弟脱颖而出,栽在我手里有没有矿过我还不知道吗 ...
一代目沙场矿将,在FFXIV 7.0跑分中取得了5856的好成绩 total loading time:9.559 个人使用评价 矿场矿将一代目,只进过一次窑子的存在,至于现在本次测试这张,是没矿过的矿将 至于为啥没矿过,它刚发行之后就从众多兄弟脱颖而出,栽在我手里有没有矿过我还不知道吗 ...
FFXIVPatches Legacy1.x A Realm Reborn2.0•2.1•2.2•2.3•2.4•2.5 Heavensward3.0•3.1•3.2•3.3•3.4•3.5 Stormblood4.0•4.1•4.2•4.3•4.4•4.5 Shadowbringers5.0•5.1•5.2•5.3•5.4•5.5 Endwalker6.0•6.1•6.2•6.3•6.4•6.5 ...
类型: 游戏/大型多人在线/角色扮演/冒险/动作 平台: PC/Mac/PS4/PS5 别名: FF14 (7.0) / FFXIV 7.0 / ファイナルファンタジーXIV 黄金の遺産(レガシー) 发行商: Square Enix 预计上市时间: 2024-07-02 发行日期: 2024-07-02 想玩在玩玩过...
Executing the ffxiv-dawntrail-bench.exe file will bring up a splash page, followed by the Software License Agreement window. *If your PC does not fulfill the system requirements to run the benchmark, the program will close. A notification will prompt you to adjust screen resolution or other ...
FFXIV: Dawntrailtakes us to Tural to help Wuk Lamat win the Rite of Succession. This Rite’s goal is to pick a new ruler among four participants, three of which are the current leader’s children and an outsider. Of the children, we have Zooral Ja, the current leader’s first son,...