若要遊玩「Dawntrail」,還必須擁有《FINAL FANTASY XIV Online》Starter Edition 或 Complete Edition。 • 本產品也包含「Shadowbringers」和「Endwalker」擴充包。 • 無論安裝何種遊戲版本,使用者都必須建立帳號才能遊玩。除了 Free Trial,所有遊戲版本都必須處於付費服務訂閱狀態才能遊玩。 • 須遵守年齡限制與...
The wait for Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail has led to high excitement due to its three-year gap since the last expansion. Dawntrail releases on July 2, 2024, with preorders offering early access and exclusive in-game items. Dawntrail features new jobs, lands, quality-of-life improvements, ...
Pre-orders begin Tuesday, March 6, 2024 and players who preorder the game not only get in Early Access, but they also receive two unique items: the Wind-up Zidane minion, and the Azeyma Earrings. Like the Menphina Earrings before it, the Azeyma Earrings grant a 30% EXP bonus to all...
Pre-orders forDawntrailare expected to open next week on March 26. The game will include in-game rewards for pre-ordering, as well as buying the Collector’s Edition of the game. Players who pre-order the game will receive a Wind-Up Zidane minion, as well as Azeyma’s Earrings, refer...
• This product is a FINAL FANTASY XIV Online expansion pack. In order to play Dawntrail, you will also need to own either FINAL FANTASY XIV Online - Starter Edition or FINAL FANTASY XIV Online - Complete Edition. • All editions of the game require user registration. All editions of ...
Blue seas, clear skies, and boundless possibilities await in Dawntrail, the newest expansion pack for the critically acclaimed FINAL FANTASY XIV Online! Explore uncharted territories with familiar faces as you discover new tribes, confront formidable threats, and expand your horizons as hope's light...
How do I register my Pre-Order bonus code for FINAL FANTASY XIV: Dawntrail? Have a big clear out A new expansion means new loot! Your pockets are soon going to be filling up with new weapons, armor, items, and clothes, so before that happens why not have a bit of a de-clutter?
Setting sail westward and looking to the continent of Tural, the Warrior of Light and their companions seek to help Wuk Lamat, a female Hrothgar, in a contest for the right to rule the land of Tural.Dawntrail, which is set to launch on July 2 (and June 28 for those who preorder) ...
Fishing Class Quest Items For fishing, you might want to check the Market Board and buy up all the brainlessly cheap fish to make this a little bit less of a hassle. You can submit fish as quest requirements that are bought from NPC/Auction house!
1. Viper Gearsets This section covers the gear you will want to wear for your Viper in Dawntrail. The sets below are to be used as a baseline starting from the levels shown (80 or 90) in order to pre-prepare for leveling the classes. Realistically, any items from the same level with...