All of this led toward a sequel via 2014’sDawn of the Planet of the Apes. Set about 10 years after the events of the first film, we learn that “Simian Flu” has killed off about 90 percent of the human population and essentially destroyed civilization. Out of this, genetically enhanced...
language and sporadic audial expressions with subtitles to follow. It literally feels as though one would want the film to end prematurely because the real action doesn’t take place until the last fifteen minutes of the runtime. Overall, I’d be insincere if I said that I thoroughly enjoyed...
Of course the fact that “Dawn of the Planet of the Apes” will be considered a summer action movie for mainstream moviegoers will likely relegate the film to the usual technical categories such as VFX, production design, cinematography, editing, sound, and score. But Serkis’s growth as a...