The cataclysmic battle between giant monsters has begun in this manga-inspired, side-scrolling, kaiju beat-'em-up! Titanic creatures known as Nephilim have invaded Earth, and the only hope of stopping them is DAWN (Defense Alliance Worldwide Network), which unleashes its own colossal combatants...
"A batalha cataclísmica entre monstros gigantes já começou neste jogo de luta kaiju inspirado em manga! Criaturas titânicas, conhecidas como Nephilim, invadiram a Terra, e a única esperança de as travar é DAWN (Rede Mundial da Aliança Def
HomeMangaYona of The Dawn GN Vol 38 (C: 0-1-2) Relisted General Rahn of the Kai Empire engineers a devastating flood that sweeps Hak and the precious senju herbs away! With the Thunder Beast nowhere to be found, an anxious Yona nevertheless intends to join the Four Dragons on the batt...
JUN201582 (W) Mizuho Kusanagi (A/CA) Mizuho Kusanagi Yona comes face-to-face with Su-won and tells him that waging war against the nation of Xing would be disastrous. Later, she rushes back to Princess Kouren, but assassins and more dangers await in Xing! Will the Four Dragons be able...
Medieval European style is reproduced on your device with exquisite manga style, and immerse yourself in the medieval fantasy journey. Dragons and knights, poisonous scorpions and dwarves, A powerful city and a strong army all need resources and space to coordinate. Manage your resources reasonably,...
A time when they were mere proto-dragons roaming the skies, hunting food in the northern lands now known as Northrend. This first part of five, offers a pretty good tease of what one might expect throughout the story. The author shifts often to the far past, and then back to the...
The cataclysmic battle between giant monsters has begun in this manga-inspired, side-scrolling, kaiju beat-'em-up! Titanic creatures known as Nephilim have invaded Earth, and the only hope of stopping them is DAWN (Defense Alliance Worldwide Network), wh
The cataclysmic battle between giant monsters has begun in this manga-inspired, side-scrolling, kaiju beat-'em-up! Titanic creatures known as Nephilim have invaded Earth, and the only hope of stopping them is DAWN (Defense Alliance Worldwide Network), which unleashes its own colossal combatants...
The cataclysmic battle between giant monsters has begun in this manga-inspired, side-scrolling, kaiju beat-'em-up! Titanic creatures known as Nephilim have invaded Earth, and the only hope of stopping them is DAWN (Defense Alliance Worldwide Network), wh
Medieval European style is reproduced on your device with exquisite manga style, and immerse yourself in the medieval fantasy journey. Dragons and knights, poisonous scorpions and dwarves, A powerful city and a strong army all need resources and space to coordinate. Manage your resources reasonably,...