Liuyang · Daweishan National Forest ParkSINCE 1992 Introduction Scenic spots Geology park Rare ecology The source of the Liuyang River-Dawei Mountain stands at the junction of Hunan and Jiangxi in the east of Liuyang, 99 kilometers west of the provincial capital Changsha, east of Jiangxi Tong...
English Name: Daweishan National Forest Park in Pingbian County, Honghe Pingbian Daweishan, also known as the Honghe Pingbian Daweishan Nature Reserve, is located in the northeastern part of Pingbian County, Yunnan Province, approximately 15 kilometers from the county seat. It is a provincial-...
必应词典为您提供Daweishan-National-Forest-Park的释义,网络释义: 大围山国家森林公园;自然景观;
大围山榴花洞峡谷漂流河道两岸群山矗立、人迹罕至、奇花遍布,一路上九曲连环,仙人棋子石,鬼斧神工古溶洞,原生态风景应接不暇,天地山水浑然一体,仿佛置身于一卷山水墨画中。漂流河道湾多幽静,水路全程十余里,落差128米。是原汁原味的山泉中行舟、古树下乘凉、原生态漂流。 地址: 长沙市浏阳市达浒镇丰田村榴花洞 ...
网络释义 1. 大围山微型鸡 大围山微型鸡(Daweishan mini chicken) , 俗称 “香鸡”“娇鸡”“金鸡” , 属兼用型品种。体型小,胸肌、 腿肌发达, 骨细, …|基于7个网页
FirstPrevious1NextLast Copyright: Dawei Mountain National Forest Park, Hunan Province Address: Daweishan National Forest Park Management Office, Liuyang City, Hunan Province Post Code: 410309 Tel: 086-0731-83488701(FAX) Email: ...
景点分布: 大围山国家森林公园主要分为栗木桥、七星岭、白面石、船底窝、马尾漕、玉泉寺六大景区,崇山峻岭和茂密森林之间,镶嵌着无数奇峰异石和100多处流泉飞瀑。山得水而秀,水因林更美。 景区资质: 国家4A级景区、省级名胜景区 景区特色: 观光、徒步、摄影、森林 景区游览图: 景区游览图 从您位置到大围山 景区...
The golden glow of wild Camellia flowers is a sight to behold in Yunnan's Daweishan National Nature Reserve. These beautiful blossoms feature golden petals and orange stamens, which perfectly compliment the lush green forest. Check out the floral beauty for yourself!■ You may like In pics:...
高山草原介绍:高山草原四周的山上都是草,基本上没有高大的树木,这是因为受气温的影响和地表土壤层次结构的影响。 景区简介: 大围山国家森林公园被称为“湘东绿色明珠”。它位于湘、赣两省交界处,距浏阳县城100公里许,森林茂密,资源丰富,风景秀丽,气候宜人,是十分理想的休闲、度假、旅游、会议的胜地。