Also,Davy's locker. The bottom of the sea, especially the grave of those who die at sea. For example,Caught out at sea during the hurricane, they thought they were heading for Davy Jones's locker. This term, first recorded in 1726, alludes toDavy Jones, a name given to the evil sp...
Also found in: Thesaurus, Idioms, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. Related to Davy: Davy Jones, Davy lamp, Davy Crockett, Humphry DavyDa·vy (dā′vē), Sir Humphry 1778-1829. British chemist who was a pioneer of electrochemistry, using its methods to isolate sodium and potassium (1807) and barium...
Davy Jones (ˈdeɪvɪ) n 1.(Nautical Terms) Also called:Davy Jones's lockerthe ocean's bottom, esp when regarded as the grave of those lost or buried at sea 2.(Nautical Terms) the spirit or devil of the sea [C18: of unknown origin] ...
Davy Jones's locker Davy lamp Davyne Davys Davy's gray Davy's grey Davyum daw dawah da'wah dawbake dawbry dawcock dawd dawdle dawdle along dawdle away dawdler dawdling Dawe Dawes Dawes Charles Gates Dawes William dawg Dawish dawk Dawkins dawn dawn chorus dawn horse dawn on ▼ Full browser...
Davy Jones Davy Jones' locker Davy Joness locker Davy Jones's locker Davy lamp Davyne Davys Davy's gray Davy's grey Davyum daw dawah da'wah dawbake dawbry dawcock dawd dawdle dawdle along dawdle away dawdler dawdling Dawe Dawes Dawes Charles Gates Dawes William dawg Dawish dawk Dawkins ▼...
Davy Jones's locker Davy lamp Davyne Davys Davy's gray Davy's grey Davyum daw dawah da'wah dawbake dawbry dawcock dawd dawdle dawdle along dawdle away dawdler dawdling Dawe ▼ Full browser ? ▲ DAVP DAVPM DAVR Davros' Daleks DAVS DAVSA Davson, H Davson, H. Davson-Danielli model Da...